THR Awaiting My Second THR on December 20


new member
Jun 16, 2022
United States United States
Hello, all:
This is not my first rodeo, since I had my right hip replaced in November 2021. I never thought I would need the left side replaced, but the pain and problems on the left began fairly soon after my right hip surgery. Over the last two years, I tried every possible treatment to delay the inevitable. The wheels finally fell off the bus when four cortisone injections plus a round of prednisone did absolutely nothing to relieve the pain.

It's been a perfect storm: I've had to wait the prescribed 3 months after my last injection to schedule the surgery, the date of the operation is smack in the middle of Christmas season, and both of my sons just had newborn babies. so won't be able get away to help me. That's the kind of inconvenience that's a blessing, and fortunately I have local friends who are all going to pitch in.

In the meantime, I've been trying to cope with the pain. I'm limping, using a cane, and currently a shadow of my former active self! I'm hesitant to take the Tramadol prescription the doctor gave me, and instead surviving on Celebrex and Tylenol.

I'm not sure what I hope to achieve with this post except to grumble a bit with fellow travelers. What I do know is that my recovery from the first surgery was excellent and rapid. I hope I will have the same good fortune this time, and I wish everyone on this forum the same!
@elbo1333 - Sorry to hear that you’re having to go through the THR process all over again. It seems quite common from reading through the threads that the other hip starts complaining once the first one is well.
I had my one year checkup yesterday and specifically asked about the likelihood of this happening to me too and sort of felt reassured by his thoughts that there is no evidence that the second one will need doing.

However, four years ago there was no evidence the first one needed doing and apparently it all worsened very quickly.
So I’m not reassured by his comments really.
I guess the real answer is Who knows?
Always happy to listen to a grumble as no one minds a grumble in return.
One of the things that this forum is invaluable for. Everyone knows what you’re talking about and is happy to let you vent. I have a grea family and good friends and lovely neighbours but I don’t want to bore the pants of all of them. :heehee:
Thank you so much! I am just figuring out this posting/threading thing and realized I didn't answer you.

I don't think it's a given that once one hip goes, so goes the other. Who knows why that happens? For me, I think it is genetic and was probably inevitable. My second hip began bothering me very soon after my first THR. It took a while (two years, actually) to realize that there was nothing more to be done but get it replaced.

In the meantime, if you're feeling good, try not to worry about the future and enjoy the new lease on life your new hip gives you!
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Welcome to BoneSmart, @elbo1333! Congratulations on getting a surgery date.

Even though this is not your first THR, I will share some articles from BoneSmart's helpful pre-op guide.
Recovery Aids: A comprehensive list for hospital and home
Recliner Chairs: Things you need to know if buying one for your recovery
Pre-Op Interviews: What's involved?

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.

And be sure to come back after your surgery and start a recovery thread to share your journey.

Note: While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each member have only one recovery thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.
I'm wondering if anyone has had this same experience? I'm torturing myself because it's too painful to exercise and I feel guilty about that. The inactivity has taken a toll on my physical and mental well being. My surgery is in 9 days, but the pain has been pretty unrelenting for a couple of months as I await my operation.

I did a senior chair exercise last week, something I would have scoffed at a year ago. I ended up pulling an oblique muscle! So now I'm trying to manage hip pain AND this other injury (on the same side).

I am not taking any opiate medicine, even though the doctor prescribed it. I would just rather avoid it for as long as possible. Tylenol and Celebrex, plus lidocaine patches, all of which barely scratch the surface of the pain.

Again, just grumbling because I feel so miserable right now. I know that once I get to the other side, I can begin to reclaim my life, slowly. It's just the waiting...and the pain. :beg:Thanks for listening!
It's okay to grumble here, @elbo1333 -- in fact, it's encouraged!

I feel your pain. That's exactly where I was before my first TKR, because I had to put it off during the pandemic. I couldn't exercise because I could barely walk without a cane. This time around I decided not to wait as long.

My surgery is December 15, so we will be recovery buddies. Look forward to seeing you in the Recovery Forum sometime next week!
Thanks for the reply! I wish you a safe and successful surgery.
Same to you! See you on the healing side!
@elbo1333 I totally understand where you're at: so close and yet so far. My hip really started to deteriorate about the same time that you're at right now. I started trying what meds I could to help and exercise became a no-go. Others here have suggested to try and work on your upper body, if nothing else. I wish I had thought of that, even using soup cans. I was able to continue to swim as there is no real weight bearing with that but it was very difficult to get in and out of the pool. I eyed the chair lift for the handicapped on more than one occasion. Eventually that became too much as well. So do what you can without causing yourself too much distress. You're so close now. You might want to give that Tramadol a try. There's a reason the doc prescribed it for you. Maybe it won't help much but maybe it can take a little more of the edge off, especially at night. Hang in there. We're here for you.
I am sorry you're dealing with so much discomfort and pain. The days leading up to surgery can be miserable for sure. Something that helped me, it didn't necessarily take a way the pain, but brought some comfort, was a heating pad. I'd go to bed earlier than usual, just to get off my feet and watch tv with a heating pad. It may be worth a try, because just about anything is worth a try as you're slogging through the days leading up to surgery. Wishing you lots of comfort and hope the next week flies by for you. :console2:
At least the 20th isn't far away now! You might want to at least dip into the Tramadol once or twice. I find that if I take one in the late afternoon I get about 24 hours of relief and so far haven't taken any more than 3 in one week. I think a lot of the pain is from "guarding" and compensations to try to avoid the pain, and there's a relatively long tail from the Tramadol to a break in that cycle.

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