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average range of motion

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junior member
Feb 9, 2009
Spain Spain
Hello i am kind off new her,so first of all,nice to meet you tkr people,mi cuestion is what is the average RANGE OF MOTION (ROM) from you all? i am now on 11 weeks,minus 3 oft he hopsitalization, i am a complicated case,thats why those 3 weeks postoperative,and my active rom is 95,cpm pasive 110,today with fysio after pulling and pushing also 110,my rom was already limited before my operacion,but still hope to achief the 120 goal,today also could walk 25 min painfree yes!!! i am 34 male and have the oxinium genesis 2 with hyflex tibial insert,any one here with also a oxinium knee? greetings fran
Welcome stp12!

Glad you found this forum I hope it will be of much help to you. I recieved 2 OXINIUM knees on 11-13-08 and I am now pain free at last. My range of motion is 0-130 at 11 weeks post surgery. I to had a limited ROM before surgery 0-110, I put off the surgery for ten years so the range of motion was pretty bad. I am now able to do things that I have not done in years. I believe that hard word during PT is the key to success. I have to give a large credit to my surgeon and the knee engineers.

I think the goal is to do a couple of degree negative - because it allows you to remain standing without muscle fatigue, and about 120 positive beacause thats what's needed to get up from a seated position.
Hi, Fran and welcome to the forum. It sounds like you are progressing well in recovery. Lots of numbers are given for "desired" ROM, but the real key is whether or not YOUR range of motion allows you to do the things you want to do. I would worry less about the number and more about how the new knee is working for you. Hopefully...the answer to that is it works VERY WELL!!
Hi there and welcome. I as well have an OXINIUM (I think the Genesis model). My range of motion 13 weeks is very good about 110-115 and full extension. My problem is quad strength since this is my 3rd operation in less than 4 years.

Today while going downstairs I got a BIG pain in my shin (felt like the lower joint was coming out) it went away after a few minutes......

Question: This is the Genesis model isn't it?
Yep - looks like it to me!

However, I would like to say (yet again) that the end result of your knee would be the same which ever prosthesis you used! The
98% of the success of the operation is due to the surgeon's skill.
Hi, Fran and welcome to the forum. It sounds like you are progressing well in recovery. Lots of numbers are given for "desired" ROM, but the real key is whether or not YOUR range of motion allows you to do the things you want to do. I would worry less about the number and more about how the new knee is working for you. Hopefully...the answer to that is it works VERY WELL!!

hi jamie so you think that i am on schedule? why is it that every day i need to start all over with gaining rom and then in the evening he is litle bit warm and stiff and the rom reduced to 85? how many weeks it takes generaly to achieve full rom? i know that about the importance that my knee works good,but for me ist also important to have good rom,mi quadriceps is shortened threw all the other operaciones from 1996 untill 2000,after my severe moped accident.when the OP did the tkr he had to undo the cuadricepsplasty from 97. think my rom before the tkr was plusmin between 100/110.
Hi there and welcome. I as well have an OXINIUM (I think the Genesis model). My range of motion 13 weeks is very good about 110-115 and full extension. My problem is quad strength since this is my 3rd operation in less than 4 years.

Today while going downstairs I got a BIG pain in my shin (felt like the lower joint was coming out) it went away after a few minutes......

Question: This is the Genesis model isn't it?

hi yes as far as i know thats the genesis 2 cemented, my cuadriceps is shortened with 110 -115 i would be very pleased,hows walking? without pain?
Welcome stp12!

Glad you found this forum I hope it will be of much help to you. I recieved 2 OXINIUM knees on 11-13-08 and I am now pain free at last. My range of motion is 0-130 at 11 weeks post surgery. I to had a limited ROM before surgery 0-110, I put off the surgery for ten years so the range of motion was pretty bad. I am now able to do things that I have not done in years. I believe that hard word during PT is the key to success. I have to give a large credit to my surgeon and the knee engineers.


hi max he so you gained rom? thats fantastic because they say the rom before the tkr is critcal for the rom postoperative.
Hi, Fran and welcome to the forum. It sounds like you are progressing well in recovery. Lots of numbers are given for "desired" ROM, but the real key is whether or not YOUR range of motion allows you to do the things you want to do. I would worry less about the number and more about how the new knee is working for you. Hopefully...the answer to that is it works VERY WELL!!

Hi Fran,

Again well said Jamie.

Fran my knee ROM is probably only 100 at most and my extension is probably not down to 0 yet, (I'm not sure) but I can do anything I attempt. I am able to do so much more than I could do prior to my operation, and I measure my recovery by that rather than a number. You sound like you are doing well, enjoy your new life.

Chris :)
My OS would not measure me at my 4 mo appointment. He told me I had full range of motion and if I had any more I would be his first patient to over extend and pop out the joint. I am happy that I can go up and down stairs at full tilt and not have to think about the steps I take any longer.
It is a wonderful feeling. Strengthening the quad muscle is the most important and I still need to strengthen mine more! I am now just about 8 month post op.
I was wondering how much you should push the stretching when doing PT. Having been a jock most of my life, I am used to pushing through the pain.
I am having my followup apt on 2/19/09 and I am asuming the bandage and stitches removed then. I don't want to cause any ripping. My Pt person has been to my house 3x and each time I have gained a degree 90-93. I have been reading about how important the 1st couple weeks are to total recovery and want to try as hard as I can. What is you advise for me between now and the 19th (week2)? Thanks! Cheryl
Ripping of what, Cheryl? Do you fear that you'll open up the wound or something? Well, fear not! Most of the primary healing should have taken place by now and you can go to the limit without worrying. That's why they're taking the stitches out now.
stp12- Fran? Francesco?- Yeah I can walk pretty good, it will be 4 months on the 21st. There is still quite a bit of pain in the lower part of the leg and I have a click when I walk that drives me CRAZY!

The last time a few weeks ago my surgeon removed some liquid and the click went away...hmmm.....I guess eventually it will go away when the knee settles down a bit.

Josephine- I realize that any knee would have been OK and that the skill of the surgeon is most of the operation. Mine comes highly recommended as being one of the best. Being relatively young (47) he thought that this one would have a longer lifespan for someone with higher activity levels and that's why he chose this particular model. I guess only time will tell.
Well, honey, if you're cool, then I'm cool!
[] average range of motion
Cool runnin's as they say!
I guess every doctor is diffferent. My OS said I had a 90 ROM right after surgery and did not want me to get more than that until my stitches were removed. But, at the same time on my preop I was told I would go to rehab after day 2. This never did happen because they were already filled. Anyways, everything worked out okay because my ROM is slowly progressing.

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