Auqa therapy

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Feb 13, 2008
Oakley,IL USA
Boy i thought regular therapy worked me out let me say doing Aqua you do move more than you think im a hurtin pretty good this morn ,it was my first session im doing it for my back ,and in the mean time the left TKR is gettin a workout and i sure feel it not to sure i like it LOL ........
Jim--- stick with it. I felt the same way the first couple of times in the water, but it is really really helpful for both your knee and back. Now I really like it and have a program I do at the community pool on my own since I am done with PT.
See how she tried to slip in there with the guys??
And then act like it was an accident...

I hate to admit it but I get my dad at least once every time I go back home...When we go to a restaurant, usually we head to the bathroom before we load the car.
I walk in front of Dad and grab the women's room door letting him proceed in front of me. Then I stand outside and die laughing. It works every time.
hmmmmmm....I wondered why Harvey bout swallowed his tongue when I burst through the door and asked to borrow his hair gel!
Doug, I can just picture it! Thanks for the laugh, and the suggestion!
You're welcome..Beautiful weather we're having today isn't it?
I am planning on starting Aqua therapy soon, along with P.T. Are there any suggestions out there - other than making sure to enter the correct locker room?
I worked out in my parents pool last time I was home. It was great for stretching etc. I straddled a "noodle" and rode it around the pool...I was about 2 months post tkr then.
I was released from p.t. very early in my recovery. I've known my Dr. for a long time and he knew I work out so I've pretty much gone to my gym since week 3.
bathing suits are optional and our yw and ym are together co-ed ..
LOLLOLOL hehheheheeeeeeee kiddin on the optional part LOL ........JIM
Actually i enjoyed the auqa therapy it went well nice warm water wasn`t to bad till i got out of the water the PT said be carefull and it may hurt for a bit when gravity takes over and boy did it ever ..... still a hurtin some and thats been 6 hrs ago tyelenol isnt cuttin it .... but i do see a benifit with the therapy it is so easy actually to easy to move around in the water move things you normally wouldnt ....... JIM :O)~
Careful not to slip and fall on the wet surfaces.
Oh, just the thought sends chills.
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