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At l-o -n -g last relief update

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new member
Oct 3, 2008
New Zealand New Zealand
Hi Everyone
At long last I can say I am now feeling relief from the pain I have been through. I still stand by my never will I go through this again though. I feel like I have been to hell and back with thisTKR. The most recent thing they have discovered is the low Iron level I have. Maybe totally unrelated to the knee. I had to have an iron infusion and am now on iron tabs 3 times a day coupled with the vitamin c to make it absorb better. I didnt realise that the bones stored iron as well as you have it in your blood. Well the iron stores in my bones was totally depleted and the iron level in the blood was low with the red cells having funny shape. Im not a doctor so this was the explaination I was given. I kept saying how tired I was but felt like I was talking to a brick wall until a doctor I have known for many years who is a friend gave me a form for a total blood count etc and that was when this was discovered. No wonder I was too tired to want to go on anymore! I am very grateful for the relief from pain and swelling now in the knee (unrelated ? maybe) I do still feel like I have a foreign body in my knee But then as it has beeen pointed out to me I do have a foreign body there. I can do stairs, walk the mall, shop and work so I am grateful. I still find heat sooths the knee area when it is a bit niggly. I can put up with niggly in fact often dont recognise it till im in bed. Getting up after sitting for a length of time has me hobbling a bit but comes right quickly. I wish everyone well with their recovery and something Ive found to be true for me is 'the only way out is through',
Budafli good to hear from you! We've missed you. And I'm also VERY glad to hear you have turned a corner (of sorts, anyway). I'm waiting for the post where you say this is the best decision you've ever made. I still think at some point - when you are a little more distanced from everything you've been through - you'll feel that way. But your activity level sounds very good and doing it with little to no pain is excellent! Rock on!!!
Well, honey - you have been through the mill and no mistake. Just glad you're beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel not.

BTW if you're taking iron tablets, don't forget to take stool softeners as well!
Glad you're feeling so much better ,Budafli!!!! Fly on!!!! :)
So very happy to see you are feeling better. I also had discovered a few years ago that I had no iron storage left (ferritin count). I had the iron IV and now have a wonderful hematologist who checks me out every 3 months. Once you get your infusion, keep checking on occasion. I needed a second one about 2 years later. I'm almost at that point again. Seems like I need a jump start every 2 years!!! Makes a huge difference.

I have the same problem with the iron though 7 was about as low as mine went. I have a great PCP who does not blow off complaints like fatigue. I end up taking iron for awhile, then we stop it and wait for it to go down. She said if the August check up does not show a big improvement, she will order another Upper GI endoscopy and colonoscopy as even those were fine about 4 years ago she wants to make sure because of the high does aspirin.

Stores that low I sure hope someone is planning to check out the cause.

Hope you are feeling better real soon.

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