As the day goes on

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junior member
Dec 31, 2008
I am 6 weeks PO todayand I feel I am doing ojay. As the day goes on my leg swells and no amount of elevating and icing helps. Now I realize it has something to do with the level of activity but I don't think I over use it. I do my excercises 3x's per day snd average housework. I should have said my age is 57. What are other people's experience with this.

Oh ya I can drive as of today. Yippee, I don't have to depend on anyone

Hi Deb! Sounds like you're doing great! Just don't overdo it doing all the things you've been restricted from doing!
Please define "average housework"
You're going to have ups and downs with the swelling for several months. You may also find that when a low pressure front comes through(rain) you might get a deep ache with it. It lessens with time.
I recommend stopping the housework!!!!

Doug someone asked me yesterday if my back hurt more with rainy weather. I told her to ask me next year, it just hurts!!!

Yes! What IS average housework?

Hoo boy...lots of stuff enters my mind with that one! For me, "average" is more than I like to do, but never enough to keep the house the way I want.

On the bright side, I still have a few more weeks of claiming "knee recovery" so I can avoid vacuuming a while longer! :)

I was actually asking jacques what she means when she says "and average housework".
Jo,,,,,Weezy & I are definitely on the same wavelength! :)
Hey Deb, congratulations! I made 6 weeks yesterday as well and I remember reading the 6 week posts from others and wondering if we'd ever get there. Thank goodness those 6 weeks are past! I too have the go ahead to if I can just get the car for a day.

I marked the occasion by taking the toilet risers off. Big celebration, but I was cleaning the bathrooms and just got sick of them. Hope I'm not sorry in the middle of the night. Cleaning bathrooms really wears me out, all that bending. When I break down and do housework because I can't stand it anymore I usually leave out a set of exercises for the day. Do you still do 3 sets as well as housework (and cooking?)? Maybe you're just on your feet too much.

I definitely don't vacuum. If you do maybe that's adding to the problem. My swelling isn't too bad but my scar keeps getting red and swelling up. I don't know what that's about.

I would say that "average housework" might be 30 min./day. It's a great question.

Thanks everyone for your comments

Average housework is straightening up, I na quick vacuum every day as I have a dog.
woops I hit the button by mistake.

Getting back to what I was saying. Once a week my husband and I do complete clean and he does the hardwood floors and stuff like that.

I was talking to my PT yesterday and she said try heat to my leg and see if that helps and that is what I am going to do right now as I have finished my first set of excercises.

The PT also said for the shoes to go with comfort level. I think I will wait a little longer

Deb! You have this whole clean up thing wrong! While you are RESTING & elevating,,,your HUBBY is supposed to be doing the housework!
This is probably the only time you can use this as an excuse,,,,,,so get that (imaginary,of course!) Whip out! Relax and take it easy,,,You are healing now!
They were all great the first 2-3 weeks. I say 'They" because my daughter and two girls live with us. But in actual fact I am very bored. My leg is coming along fairlyt well. I am having a little difficulty getting it to go straight. It will come though.

Deb! You have this whole clean up thing wrong! While you are RESTING & elevating,,,your HUBBY is supposed to be doing the housework!
This is probably the only time you can use this as an excuse,,,,,,so get that (imaginary,of course!) Whip out! Relax and take it easy,,,You are healing now!

Excuse? Who needs an excuse? "Them's fightin' words" for me! If you LIVE in the HOUSE, then you share in the HOUSEwork--period!! Now, when one partner is disabled, the other steps up & does more--that's what a loving relationship entails in my book!
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