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artificial knees and bicycle riding

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new member
May 23, 2009
United States
Both knees have been replaced. I would like to return to outside bike riding? I am looking at a crank forward bike and a semi recumbent. any ideas?
I would have voted recumbent, because I have no experience with a crank forward type. But then your question got my curiosity going, and I started looking into it, and am thinking this is a very interesting design for me, as well! Very very interesting for leisure riding without spending big bucks for a complicated bike:
I looked at Gringos link and went to the recumbent, the (actually riding bike). If you mean that long looking bike , I would go with the crank, looks like a reg bike except the handle bars......I guess.......So the Crank one.
I am out riding post TKR. I was a avid mountain bike rider and I am on the same bikes I had before surgery. I think you would be fine on either one. Have fun!!
Hi, Molly. Welcome to BoneSmart! Sounds like your new knees are doing fine and you are ready to become active again. As far as I know, there should be no reason for you to pick any bike because of your knees. Even a regular one would work....or the two styles you mention. We have a number of members who have gone back to cycling after knee replacements and they are all doing just fine.
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