Thank you, and good for you Hollylyn! I bet you'll find it very helpful. Fingers crossed!I saw your 10 week scar (no scar) photo. Just ordered some BioCorneum from Amazon. I hope my results are as good as yours.
Thank you, Jcx, and @kiwicurls - I think you're right! I'm so surprised at the amount of swelling and pain from that elliptical session. I should have stuck with the Peloton. I just wrote to my doctor asking if a prescription anti-inflammatory might be warranted. I rested and iced my knee all day yesterday. And walked around the house. It's not any better at all.Sorry to hear you've joined the OODIC. Hope you get back on track soon. Take care Jcx
At 3 weeks after I was still taking a narcotic pain med before bed so I could sleep but ibuprofen in the daytime. I continued the narcotic before bed until I could sleep with just Tylenol. Had to test myself every few days to see if I could sleep. Eventually was able to sleep with no pain med but I suspect it’s different per person based on your healing rate.Hello! Today is THREE WEEKS since my TKR on April 5th. I'm doing well EXCEPT that my blood pressure started to rally spike over the past weekend. I saw my PCP today and he said it's caused by pain. The last week I've been taking 1/2 oxycodone (5 mg) four times a day (sometimes 10 mg.) and two or three Advils for inflammation. My doctor thinks the Advil has spiked my BP and advised me to eliminate it and take Tylenol along with Oxy to see if that helps. Tylenol has never seemed to help any pain I've had, but I'll try it.
Has anyone else had spikes in blood pressure? Anyone else still on narcotics three weeks after? My biggest surprise in having this surgery is that I've had almost no pain management help from the surgical team. I'd love to hear other people's experiences in weaning off narcotics and the OTC meds that have helped. Thank you!
thanks - i really don't have any pain at all - and haven't for a few weeks. But I do have stiffness at times. The pain I felt between months 2 and 3, I believe, was due to the fact that I stopped physical therapy and just counted on ADL. I was able to graduate from my second PT who was phenomenal. I'm doing the exercises she prescribed and will continue to,I'm glad your exercise program worked for you. You may talk about specific exercises that worked well for you, but please don't provide your list to other members. Each person's recovery is different and people should work with their medical team plus listen to their bodies to determine what works best for them.
You did experience a fair amount of pain during these months and at least some of that could be the result of pushing yourself with an ambitious exercise program. That doesn't always work well for everyone. How are your pain levels now at a little over 4 months out? Hopefully, it's much better.