Anyone in UK get a parking badge?

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junior member
Dec 29, 2008
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Unable to walk very far for a year now, I thought Id apply for a Parking Badge so if I did manage to drive somewhere I could park near to where I wanted to be. I was told I couldn't have one as I am not registered as disabled.It seems unfair as you see so many people who do have the badges jumping out of their cars and walking very easily around the supermarket!

What is position after knee replacement? Does anyone know? UK that is!

Trying to make life after TKR easier
Like you I was fed up at watching folk jump in and out of their cars whilst I was struggling for 18 months...I applied for the blue badge and was also turned down...
My GP said the scheme considers our problem as temporary and that post op we will not be ''disabled'' as the problem will be cured....
It stinks I know and it aint fair as I still need to park where I can open my car door fully in order to get my leg out.........and I'm 4 months post op.......
the only good thing's getting better day by day
keep the faith

love and hugs Pat xx
Hi Pat - you're a star!

You got it absolutely right - that was also my experience. well at least we can look forward to the day when we can hop and skip in to the supermarket!

Thank God for tescos on-line!

Another one keeping the faith
love kipper xx
my mate who has recurrent MS advised me to apply for the badge..........she has had one for ages and can outrun me any time ...........
it does make me mad would think they would issue a temporary badge till possibly 6 months post op when we shud be mostly independent
Wow, quite different in US. I easily got a temporary badge from Dr that is good for 6 months post surgery. And I have heard that here in US (or at least NJ) that it is pretty easy to get it extended for another 6 months. Has come in real handy during the holiday messy weather season. I feel a little guilty using it as I am pretty healed up after 4 month post HR. However, have really appreciated this small amenity. The only problem is, somehow the badge ends up being in the car I am not currently using (like now!)

I have found it interesting to note how many folks have handicapped badges. There have been many times during the holidays when a spot was not available. Never noticed that before....makes me wonder about the state of our health and/or if NJ is just real lax in giving out the passes.

we have a local lad who had his leg amputated after serving for our country in afghanistan...............he can not get a badge either despite needing ample room for his prosthetic leg and chair.....our council reckons he is cured now despite having one good full leg and one metal leg........seeeeeeee us knees stand nooooooo chance
You folks in the UK sound like a heartier bunch!!!! I have learned so many new things on this forum.

Off to brave our nasty new year's eve weather, glad we have no plans to go out tonight.

STAY IN AND KEEP WARM...I'm only doing that cause hubby is on nights....lolololol
but it gives me a brilliant excuse to chat with you wonderful folks

Shame on them for not granting a handicapped badge to a veteran! I guess you have to be a double amputee! Everyone that is venyuring out tonite,,,,,,PLEASE be careful all Hippies & Knees!!! Happy & Safe New Year to ALL!!!!!:)
Yep - we have temporary disability, whatever that is! Bet them that work in the Social offices don't have any problems getting a blue badge! Our Social offices have a 200 foot walk from the road to the front door so if anyone manages to actually get into the office, they've already disqualified themselves!
Austrlia is the same as the UK. I asked my doctor and he told me I had no chance :(
Some things never change in the UK, More then their Jobs Worth eh? Anyone else in the UK remember the Esther Ranzom show??
Here in Ontario, CanadaI just got a ltter from my physio therapist and went down to my local Driving and Licencing Bureau and they issued me a temprary one until the end of January 2009, so just for over a year. I was really grateful to be able to use it too.
I'm surprised how different things are between the States and U.K.. I doubt most of us in the States had any trouble getting a temporary permit. I had three month permits for each knee. (Although by the end of the 3 months, I felt a bit guilty and pretty much stopped using it.)

For us, at least in my state, it seems like they will accept whatever your doctor writes it for.
Well, when I first rang my local council, the woman I spoke to said something like "You know, there are thousands of blue tickets out there and we can't possibly provide parking spots for all of them so we have to limit further issues."

Doncha just love'm!
It is a BIG difference.
I didn't really want a permit. My Dr's nurse who I have known for 30 years insisted on me getting one. She filled out the application and told me to go get it....I have a habit of doing what a nurse tells me to do.
When I got to the Dept. of motor vehicles, they said I could get a temp. permit, good for six months, for $25..OR..I could get a permanent good for four years for $4. Automatic renewal...
I went with permanent..I don't use it too frequently but it sure comes in handy when he whole body is reacting to the weather.
Oh Doug - I'm green with envy! At the moment, I am rationing my outings as most places I go, the car park is a healthy hike from the shops. I'm going to a b ig shopping retail park tomorrow to look at a recliner settee (preparing for my big event!) and happily, I can park right outside the door - if I'm lucky to find an empty space, that is!

Eek! The weatherman on TV just this moment is
forecasing snow for tomorrow! Horrors!
It is much easier here in the states. I, too, have a permanent handicapped hang tag--I also have it right on the license plate of the car I drive. When the roads are good and I'm feeling fine, I don't use it. When it's snowy and icy, or if it hurts, I use it. I know I'm lucky.
Well, I got there and back okay. Like the settee a lot and it's reduced by almost 50% in the sale! Chenille, lumbar supports and powered recliners. Can't be bad!

[] Anyone in UK get a parking badge?
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Now that looks Very comfy!
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