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Anyone Have Pain In Thigh?

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May 22, 2009
I am experencing pain in my thigh simuler to a tooth ache was wonder if any one has had this feeling hopefully it will clear up Bill.
thank you judy
Re: Worried About My Upcoming Double Hip Replacement

You have been through a lot. At 3 months I still had lots of discomfort and was still taking percocet for pain. I did get the ok to do anything,but run, at that point and started hiking again.
I have had a lot of back trouble (pain) and knee and went right into surgery for those 2 areas, so I don't remember if the annoying hip area toothache like pain ever left for good!!!
I do know strengthening works wonders for the pain . I just keep getting sidelined from doing it.
Are you doing exercises to help on a regular basis? I think you mentioned that you are. It will go away. Just takes more time. I hope you are resting a lot.
Probably should have started your own thread. I bet one of our wonderful moderators will do that for you.
Hi, Jigger...and welcome to BoneSmart. I have moved this post to its own thread so that it will receive more attention and comments. Thanks for joining the forum and post any time you have a question or concern....or if you just want to pop in and chat.
It's most likely an irritable or inflamed tendon or muscle, Bill. Are you still seeing your PT? They would be good to get advice from. Failing that, a chiropractor. 12 weeks, it's about the right time for it.
I am experencing pain in my thigh simuler to a tooth ache was wonder if any one has had this feeling hopefully it will clear up Bill.
thank you judy

Bill, I have muscle issues from my hip down to my knee. I had trouble with groin and thigh muscles prior to my replacement so I have extra work to do to get back to normal. It is a slow process but it will happen. Believe me it can get you down..been there a lot.....but as long as I see a slight improvement I am happy.

Remember, before you had your hip replacement you were not walking with a normal gait. So after you are "fixed" and in line all those muscle have to adjust.
Hey Bill. I'm almost 6 weeks out and I still have a little pain in my thigh. It's like a throbbing pain. Is that what you have? I just figured it was my stem (I think that's what they call it) healing it's way around the bone marrow. Does that sound right to anyone?
Bill, I'm 10 wks out and have thigh pain some days some days not. I think mine is related to the intensity of my PT. Hurt today, but used 10# weights yesterday. Does yours feel numbish?
Youngmom & Geol I am now 3 and a half months away from the surgery and my body is starting to adjust but i still feel as though i have an oversize wallet in my back pocket I still experince a little throbbing in my thigh it is not as bad, I control it with a couple of advil 1 in the morning and 1 at bed time, I am told this could take up to 6 months to clear up.
One thing for sure the pain is not as bad as it was befor surgery.
good luck bill
note: I use no weights I excersize with leg motion only and walking.
Hi Jigger.
True the pain is nothing like before surgery. And yes the body is adjusting. My date was 21 April (anterior approach), yours must be near there also. I have that wallet feeling at times after I walk a distance. But mostly pain is a couple inches below and to the outer side of the scar. Feels black and blue and a little numb. Nothing I can't handle just getting tired of it.
Did you see any fireworks across the border?
Hi Jigger,

I'm about 4 months from surgery. These past couple weeks I noticed a throbbing pain in my thigh area -it is in my inner thigh from my groin to my knee. It's concerning me -I think I may have done too much at the gym (went on the elipitical for 25 minutes) and not enough stretching before hand? Yes, I was told we are not fully healed until 6 months -1 year. Hopefully, this is just a little bump in the road for me.

Hello Jigger. I'm 4+ months out now and still manage to overdo things that bring throbbing thigh pain. For instance, last Friday I hauled laundry and groceries up and down my 3 flights of stairs for 6 rounds. That night I had to tap my surplus supply of Vicodin my left thigh hurt so bad :cry:. What was I would think I was training to be a firefighter! :doh: But the progress continues to get better. I can do 3 rounds of those stairs without the 'after pain' so I am confident that will continue to improve. It will for you too..have faith. :D
Warning a freinds wife has informed me that her husband over did himself after surgery and wound up wearing the titainum pin in his thigh through his thigh bone he had to go to Montreal for a bone graft so people please take it easy for the first 6 months to 1 year do light exersize :blush:
I am now 31/2 months after surgery and doing great I still carry a cane to ease the weight on the hip take care guys and god bless billy
Oh my gooness, thats terribile. I hope his is ok. I think your right using the cane, better safe then sorry.......
I doubt that his titanium pin has any comparison to a THR, jigger. Those pins are known to extrude through the bone from time to time and mostly it's because the where the bone was broken, as it heals it shrinks and the pin becomes too long. Since it is fixed at the end with screws, it has no choice but to push through the bone. And he wouldn't have contributed to it by 'overdoing it'. The mechanics just don't work that way.

So please don't worry yourself so, it's unnecessary.
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