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Anybody tried acupuncture for pain control/swelling?

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junior member
Jul 14, 2008
Oregon, United States
I had RTKR June 23. I struggled with pain and the lack of pain control in hospital. I just passed the 3 week mark yesterday and things are getting better. Still using 2 perc every 4 hours and oxycontin at night. I only have PT twice a week (I wanted to go more often) and am faithfully doing my exercises. I can bend 93 and almost straighten. But I feel like there is a band around my knee- everything is so tight. I am thinking about acupuncture - has anyone else tried it?

Also prior to this surgery I had had 6 knee surg between the two knees. The would drain the knees and inject with cort about 3 times per year. Do they ever drain "new" knees?

Thanks for anything you got!!!!

Hi Anet and welcome. I had the same tight band feeling all around my knee until last Monday when I had my manipulation. Now the tightness is through the knee cap and the sides, I think it must have been scar tissue. I thought about accupuncture but I don't think we have the correct points left in our new knees now, there is too much metal now I think. You could ask someone who does accupuncture though.

Beachcomber has a lymphatic drainage chart which is helpful, I'm sure she would email it to you if you ask her nicely.

About the drainage, unfortunately the kind of swelling we have around our knees is in the tissues so cannot be drained, I wish though, would sort a lot of problems out. Keep icing and elevating (higher than your heart). Good luck, Sue
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