Anxious about Pain Meds Allergies

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junior member
Oct 18, 2009
I am very anxious about my surgery on Tuesday since I am allergic to most pain medications. After reading about all of you needing these pain meds so often afterward, I am frightened I will have to go through recovery with only Tylenol and Advil. I am going to phone my OS today to find out what other options he has. I spoke with him when I set up the surgery about my allergies, which he well knows since he did my Rotator Cuff surgery in 2006. He wants to use Dilaudid for this surgery, but I found some old notes and I was itching all over with that in 2006. Do any of you have any sugggestions? The stress over this is becoming overwhelming during these last few days? :cry:

Anxious Cass

RTKR Oct. 27
Good morning call your OS and the hosp and ask them just to put your mind at ease did a nurse call you and go over things your allergic to it cant hurt ..........Hang in there and it gets closer i started thinking diff things as well.......they wont leave you in pain i promise............Good luck it will be ok................)
Hi Texas,
Yes, the nurse from the hospital called me on Monday and I did tell her about all my allergies. Her response was you'll speak with anesthesia people the morning of the surgery. I don't know if that means it will be resolved at that time?? I'm still going to call OS office this morning and hope they don't feel I'm being neurotic about this.
Thanks, Cass
Hum i did have a nerve block from the bend of my leg down .........that worked for are not being neuritic i would want to know as well its ok big surgery they should understand but maybe someone else will come along there was a person that was allergic to pain med and i cant remember what they did but she was ok.............please let us know what he says im curious now.........
Of course you're not being neurotic. That's a perfectly legitimate concern. But there are lots of other meds they can fall back on. Do make a list of the meds your body doesn't like and the symptoms you got. That will help them a lot. Sometimes we could just give an antihistamine with the drug to stop it causing symptoms like itching and rashes. But Kim is right, you do need to make a point of getting them to discuss it with you. But on the day will do. Please don't fret - it's not an uncommon thing.

It seems really strange, but yes, on the day of your surgery, maybe an hour before or less.....the anesthesiologist will come in and you will tell him everything, and that is actually when they decide what to use. I always thought it was something they worked out over a week or two. :doh:
But it's a very quick decision. I have a lot of faith in them, so trust that they will do the right thing.

There has GOT to be something they can give you that will work! They will find something.

Cass, the others are so right.
Especially Jo. My hubby has had five total joint replacements and he is unfortunately allergic to ALL pain meds. He managed quite well while in the hospital and after we got him home with a PCA pump accompanied by benidrill . Really did the trick nicely for him, Please don't worry. Just discuss this with your docs and it will all be ok.
Let us hear from you. We care,
Blessings and good luck to you.
Hi everyone,
I spoke with my doctor's office twice today. The nurse checked with the PA who will be seeing me in the hospital. After their discussion, the PA has already written an order for them to give me Benadryl before I go into surgery and they will use Dilaudin (which I am allergic to) with the Benadryl after I come off the morphine pump. They know how allergic I am so it sounds like I will be in good hands with the PA on top of things.
I feel so much better about the meds now. Thanks for everyone's suggestions and support.
Only 3 days to go now - a little scary, but I can hardly walk due to all the fluid in my knee so I know this is my only option.
You are right to wonder, and it is natural to worry. I was worried too about pain management and I didn't have the allergies you have. You did the best thing, calling and talking to the medical staff. They have great options and will keep you comfortable.

Don't be shy about asking questions when something is worrying you. I bet you can get a good answer, and whether you like the answer or not, it always is best to know what to expect.

Good luck to you, Kimberly
Good job, Cass! When you have a concern, it's best to get right in there and ask questions until you are comfortable. Sounds like you are going to be in very capable hands. Hang in there....not too much longer now!
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