Well, it's been two weeks! Outside of my complaints here, I do think recovery is going about as well as possibly expected, I really think I could do more than I am at the moment without joining the ODIC. My incision hasn't been giving me much in the way of trouble, just some itching here or there. I found myself scratching at it overnight as I woke up, but I don't think I disturbed the dressing, which I think comes off tomorrow at my surgeon followup anyways.
Swelling has been surprisingly minimal, but I've been elevating and icing a lot per Bonesmart advice. I'm mostly off of the prescription pain meds, mainly taking them before bed or pre/post-PT. I do still have a big swollen area on my lateral/posterior area, but that's about it. The bruising is yellow/light brown, which is much better than the big bruise I had about 2-3 months before surgery when I had a minor fall getting into a broken chair.
As anyone here knows, I'm anxious to get off of the walker at least some of the time. I forget it's there and get up and walk a few steps without it before remembering sometimes, so I'd really like a cane or single crutch. I'm writing this pre-PT, so hoping I can get that answer today, or at least tomorrow at the doctor.
The only pain I'm a little worried about is about a 1-2 right around the replacement joint. It's more of a "reminder it's there" than a true pain, but I still get concerned about it being centralized around the replacement. I have no warmth or symptoms of infection, so I hope tomorrow's x-rays can alleviate any fears that maybe it's misaligned or anything.
If I recall correctly, people begin to see marked, almost daily improvement after two weeks. Is that true? If so, looking forward to it.