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Another Surgery !!!!!

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Apr 19, 2009
United States
Well as you might know I had a TKR 4-3-09. Couldnt bend pass 65. Dont get me wrong I think the knee replacement was fine No more pain like before..unfortunatly, I need a manipulation, and poss whole new repalcement. There is a piece of metel or wire, thats is showing on the xray that shouldnt be in that spot. So I will go Thursday and if he can get it with manipulation, thats fine if not he will go in. I am so so scared. I know that God wont give me more then I can handle, but I really cant handle anymore. I am burnt out, tired. I keep thinking like God why! I know we shouldnt but I cant help it, what is he trying to tell me? I have to go thru this but in my mind I dont know if I can. Again I keep telling my kids I will be able to ride bikes soon, but now what...Kim
Kim -- I caught up with all your posts last night and it certainly seems you've had a tough time. I will leave it to Jo to talk about the medical part -- but think of it this way. It's only been a month since your initial operation so if the knee has to be replaced you have only lost a month -- not, as with some people many months. And --try to be positive, It's very possible a manipulation will work. Many people posting to this site have had very good results after one.
I hope your doctor has had a lot experience and replaced many many knees. If so -- he will know what he's doing. If not, you might want to find a doc who does 700 or so of these a year... and get his/her opinion first. I don't remember what you said in your earlier posts about your surgeon..sorry.
And remember -- this is all about YOU--not your kids or friends or husband. You. So be sure you're in good hands and then do exactly what the doctor says. Any work you've done in terms of strengthening your muscles will pay off either with a manipulation or a new knee replacement. So you haven't lost everything at all!!!
We are all rooting for you. Satisfy yourself about your doctor and then just take a deep breath and take it hour by hour, day by day. Don't build mountains at night when things look the worse. In the morning things are manageable and you will get through this. With flying colors!!!! OK????
This is my 7th surgery on my knee he thinks by the look, there is a ring that goes around the plastic part of the implant and my have come loose. I am trying. I am just so beat down dont know if I can pick my self up again. I want to but dont think I have it in me. I am just so confused why? Crying and crying that hear we go again. I honsetly cant belive it. I think I am going to my preacher Friday, I have got to talk to someone, I just dont understand I am not a bad person , Not perfect but I try to be good. I know God has a plan for me and I try to figure it out I know I shouldnt. I went the Dr today with good intentions and being ready to move on and left crying...I just dont know anymore. But thanks for replying..
Oh Kim! Just read your post! Please don't jump to conclusions yet! I'm a hippie, so I can't give you any advice, only support! Not trying to get into any religious argument but don't subscribe to the theory that G-d doesn't give you more than you can handle,,,,WRONG! You are aleays one of the first on Bonesmart to reach out to help others when they are down! You are amazingly tough, albeit in lots of pain right now! Think positive thoughts, in a way. This kinda explains all the discomfort you've been feeling! So let's all hope for the best, look at this as just a hiccup in your recovery,,,,we'll all be here to lend an ear! Vent on, Girl! Prayers are with you! :)
Texas, You do need some support to get through this next step. If you don't get that from your family, then by all means HURRY to your preacher to get the hugs and assurance you need. You didn't do anything wrong. There is no "message" in what you have happening with your knee. You deserve to have this fixed and to move on with recovery. The sad thing is sometimes things do happen that were not planned. BackBay made some fantastic points in her post. Read it again a few times and let her words soak in. This is rough, but not the end of the world. It is just a blip in the road that will pass. You have had such strength and come so far. You'll do this too. We will always be here for you.....and wishing we were right there with you to provide the physical hugs and support that help so much.

I hope Jo checks in soon about the possibility your doctor proposes about a ring coming loose. I have not heard of that before and don't really know what that might mean.
Kim -- most of us are good people just trying to get along in life and leave a little kindness behind. I am not a religious person but I'm sure God would not be singling you out for bad things. This is just bad luck. Most of us have had a number of operations on our knee(s) before we get to the TKR and it all sucks! But -- what else do you do? You can't give up so you go on and try to deal with what you get. Some people are luckier than others. Or luckier in one way and miserably unlucky in others. Again not being a medical person -- perhaps if a ring is loose only that has to be replaced? I don't really know. But there's not much you can do until the surgeon goes in there and sees the situation. I would be very anxious too --but try to distract yourself. And talking to your preacher may be a good idea since sometimes all you need is someone to listen. Which people here do...but it isn't the same as a real, live person... Again... take it one day at a time....
Kim, do you know what brand of knee you have? I was looking out on the web and trying to see what kind of "ring" he might have been talking about. I'm just not finding anything that holds the plastic spacer that looks like it could come loose.
Stryker..I dont know if I had said this my eyes are swollen I cant even see. but there is a ring that goes around the plastic part of the TKR and it looks like it came loose or it broke the top is all flat but there is a piece that looks like a step and thats what he is talking about. But see thats under the knee cap in the front. I went to him for the inner side, so he will do the manipulation, xray, and then if he cant get a bend he will go in. Its bad enough going in again, but not knowing what I will wake up to is very hard.
Thanks, Kim. I think that information might help Josephine when she checks in and reads your posts. I wish I was more knowledgeable about the medical side of things, but I'm just not. The best I can do at this point is send you a virtual (((HUG)))) and tell you that I'm praying for you to get through this quickly.

One other question....are you seeing a surgeon who is a revision specialist and who does a number of this type of surgery each year? At a major hospital in a big city?
I dont know about the revision but he's in Austin Texas and this is all his does ( replacements). Actually refered to by a few people. Thank you all for your help...I just need to go do some soul searching, Just very confused and scrared, dont know how else to put it at this time.
Kim - Just read your post. Sorry about your difficulties and the possibility of additional surgery. May I offer you some loving support ...fear is not of God. It is of the enemy of life. The Lord does not send us problems. He loves us and created us perfectly, then placed us in a beautiful garden. It is pride and sin that smashed God's plan. Even then, the Lord didn't forsake us but sent his own son. You didn't do anything to deserve this, and God won't desert you now. He still walks with us, and talks with us, and tells us that we are His own.

(I don't usually get so public but you seemed to need this. Hope it helps you.)
Hi , Hang in there! Before this TKR I had another illness that went undiagnosed for almost two years--turns out there were only three Dr's in the USA who could treat it. Anyway I became very depressed and it took a long time to crawl out of that hole not to mention get the condition treated. What I want to say is that you are sounding depressed and that is so normal. When you are stressed out your brain chemicals can get all mixed up too. It is a physical condition. If this persists I would ask for some anti-depressants just to help you thru this hard time. You won't need them forever. Don't feel bad about asking for them either. I figure that God provided us with the Dr's and the medications that we need so we may as well use them. Also talking to anyone who will listen will help and above all be good to yourself.
Hi Kim

I've been out all day so have only just caught up with you. I'm so sorry you've got all these problems, but at least it looks as if there is a physical reason for it, in which case it would seem to me that it can be sorted. Keep positive. It can't be nice to think that you have to go through surgery again but, if it will solve the problem then I hope that you can try to accept that it will be worth it. In a week or two hopefully you will be well on the way to real recovery. Keep us informed - we're all thinking about you. Val
Hi Kim
I know it seems like it is all too much. I don't know why, 2 weeks ago I went to my primary doc's office and got back on antidepressants. They do take a little while to start working. From my past experience in taking them, they surely turned me around, made life great.
I'm struggling myself and can totally relate to you. I agree with , I think it was backbay about not thinking about it at nite, the morning is ususally better.
It does seem like if there is a treatable problem that is known that is the best situation. I don't like going into surgery with the unknown outcome, but when you wake up no matter what happened, it will be the beginning of recovery for sure.
Good Luck
Thank you all for your help and words. I am just trying to get my head around this..May be Jo will check in soon. I am still sitting here absolutly dumb founded. I just sit and think and wonder..I wonder also do I keep yp my excerses or will it hurt it, that used to keep me busy and I forgot to ask him. But after all of what he was saying I just got numb, like I couldnt see or hear aything........I will just go thru some of these post , but I dont think I saw one on what Im talking about. And yes I know God doesnt punish but wow, when does it end.
Kim....just call your OS's office about the question of you even continuing PT.....PT hurts as it is, you certainly don't want them to cause even further harm! Sit back, take some deep breaths.....and try NOT to feel so overwhelmed! Everything will settle down for you! There are certainly so many of us who care about you!!!! So please remember that! :)
Kim I only just read your post (it's 8 am here) and I am SO sorry you have to go through all this! No - it's not fair, but you're a strong person and I'm sure you will handle it all.
As a hippie I don't know a thing about knees.........but I do know you've been very supportive of me of late and now it's my turn to be the same for you! Keep us posted as to what is happening - and vent here all you like! I don't know about you, but if I get things off my chest and share my feelings, I always feel a whole heap better!

Try not to stress too much (easier said than done - I know!) and wait to see what your doctor says and deal with things one at a time. I agree with Backbay saying that this seems to be just very bad luck! It has absolutely nothing to do with you being a bad/good person!

Sending you love and ((((hugs))))

Kim, I`m so sorry to hear about your pending surgery! When is is the big day? I`ll be praying they don`t need to open you back up.
Hang in there! Marie
Preteach- I made a mistake earlier it is Tuesday I think I said Thursday. I really hope so to (no cutting) . How are you I know you are going Wednesday right? Thats right you go Wednesday, I am sure everything will be fine for you. You seem alot stronger and have been thru alot more. Is everything going better for you? Just hang in there look forward to hearing how you are after......-- Peta Thank you for your words. Are you getting your other surgery. have you seen another Dr. But I dont worry about you ( I care ) but you always brighten people I might just bug you all.....Everyone left so just sitting here, checking other posts to keep busy. Thanks again.
Thank you Judles, actually they did call back. no PT, but thats ok I only have 9 left w/ Ins and I want to keep them for when I really need them........Hope you are doing Ok !!
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