Well as you might know I had a TKR 4-3-09. Couldnt bend pass 65. Dont get me wrong I think the knee replacement was fine No more pain like before..unfortunatly, I need a manipulation, and poss whole new repalcement. There is a piece of metel or wire, thats is showing on the xray that shouldnt be in that spot. So I will go Thursday and if he can get it with manipulation, thats fine if not he will go in. I am so so scared. I know that God wont give me more then I can handle, but I really cant handle anymore. I am burnt out, tired. I keep thinking like God why! I know we shouldnt but I cant help it, what is he trying to tell me? I have to go thru this but in my mind I dont know if I can. Again I keep telling my kids I will be able to ride bikes soon, but now what...Kim