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another?.... rehab?

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Jul 28, 2009
United States United States
OK, I know I have to stop talking to people who have had TKR!! It just starts my mind running.... Here's the question: How many of you went to a rehab facility after surgery??? We are still undecided about doing both knees, but husband and I were talking to someone at dinner whose husband went to a rehab facility for a few days after his.... now my husband thinks this is a FABULOUS idea!!! Did you? What did you think???
Rehab can be good. If it's a good facility, it can give you more focused exercise from day one. It's usually twice a day instead of 3 times a week with home care of outpatient PT.

You are assured that someone will be able to take care of you and t he focus will be on your recovery. This is especially important for someone who lives alone, has a spouse who travels or cannot be a caregiver, or who has small children or animals.

In the end it's a really personal choice and a lot depends on the quality of the rehab facility. If you are thinking about it, go visit a couple that you would consider and then make your choice. Also contact your insurance company and be sure they will cover the one you like best.
I didnt I know others did, but i did just fine at home went to PT.....Just a choice you need to make for yourself. I was nervous to have hubby here alone during school days .lol...........)
You don't have a choice here to just go to rehab. They use the same criteria on you as they do for medicare and they are very
strict. Even if you have private insurance and it would pay.

I had home PT which I loved as I had a really good hands on therapist. (if you do home PT, make sure you request a hands on therapist that will massage your knee and really give you good work out.) I also did PT at the center. I did water and land PT.

It just depends on what you prefer. I am glad I did not go to rehab.
I loved being home and I have done great.
Decisions, Decisions! And I went to re-hab and I did GREAT also!!! Personal choice!!! ((:0)
I had a BTKR last June and went to rehab (which was at the same hospital, just a different floor) for 11 days. I had no choice as I live alone and in a rural area with no family near by. It was a good choice for me as I had some minor problems and with all the PT/OT I was in very good shape by the time I got home. Insurance companies usually have a 7 day max (and as someone said there are some pretty tight requirement) but have some appeals they paid for all of it.

Sounds like I will probably be going to a rehab place. Not knowing where is kind of rough when trying to make plans and not being in control. But if that's what I have to do to get back up then so be it.


BTKR August 25, 2009
I went home after my release from the hospital and had home PT 3x a week for 2 weeks. Now I'm going to out-patient PT. I live alone but I had a friend stay with me for a week. My insurance would not cover rehab. So I didn't really have much of a choice and I did just fine...still doing fine. It's a decision you that you need to make based on what you feel will be right for you and your family. Best of Luck!

BTKR 7/20/09
OK, I know I have to stop talking to people who have had TKR!! It just starts my mind running.... Here's the question: How many of you went to a rehab facility after surgery??? We are still undecided about doing both knees, but husband and I were talking to someone at dinner whose husband went to a rehab facility for a few days after his.... now my husband thinks this is a FABULOUS idea!!! Did you? What did you think???
My rehab was in the hospital where I had my surgery. Quite literally, down the hall on the same floor as ortho surgical recovery. I was in the hospital for 15 days (I went "home" on the 15th day- I say "home" because I actually went to my parents' house which is handicapped accessible). My doctor told me on Saturday (surgery was on a Wednesday) that I would "benefit" from the rehab and I felt that I didn't have much choice- but I was very lucky in where I was!

I would whole-heartedly agree that going to rehab is a good idea- BUT!! It depends on the facility! I was very, very lucky that I had my surgery at the hospital I did- with a rehab ward right there. It wasn't just for joint replacements- there were a couple ladies who were recovering from strokes, one patient had taken a fall down concrete steps and had to have PT for her recovery, there was an amputee who was learning how to live with a new prosthetic...

But, if I had my surgery in the hospital closer to home, I would have been sent to a "rehab facility home" which is a nursing home with horrible food, lousy nursing, CNAs who don't respond to nurse-call buttons, and only an hour of PT a day. They had a single day for showers- meaning I would have only had one shower a week! (I know this because it was where my mother ended up for two weeks- two sad and disappointing weeks where we visisted daily and took her edible food!). I even met a patient who was there recovering from a right TKR. He was shocked at the facility's lack of... well, everything.

So, if you feel you MUST go to rehab, check out the facility first!
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