new member
I has been 6 months from my bi lateral knee replacements both done at the same time. Doing great- it seems that the weather affects my knees so being down in Tampa Florida and the daily storm fronts roll thru I have good days and bad. Bad meaning slight pain, no need for ice nothing like before surgery. I do not have an excuse anymore on why I do not want to go shopping with the wife. Playing golf again. The one thing I have not gotten use to is the clicking sound and feeling in my knees. I am sure in time I will not notice it. For all you newbe's hang in there it does get better, I think my big breakthru in less pain came around 4 months. If I have to kneel it feels strange as I do not have feelings in my knee caps in certain areas, of coarse the Dr said I should not be on my knees at all. But all in all I am sure glad I did it and the worst is behind me. Good luck to everyone.