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Another 6 monther

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new member
Mar 16, 2009
United States
I has been 6 months from my bi lateral knee replacements both done at the same time. Doing great- it seems that the weather affects my knees so being down in Tampa Florida and the daily storm fronts roll thru I have good days and bad. Bad meaning slight pain, no need for ice nothing like before surgery. I do not have an excuse anymore on why I do not want to go shopping with the wife. Playing golf again. The one thing I have not gotten use to is the clicking sound and feeling in my knees. I am sure in time I will not notice it. For all you newbe's hang in there it does get better, I think my big breakthru in less pain came around 4 months. If I have to kneel it feels strange as I do not have feelings in my knee caps in certain areas, of coarse the Dr said I should not be on my knees at all. But all in all I am sure glad I did it and the worst is behind me. Good luck to everyone.
Hey Steve glad you posted !!!!!!!!!!!! Wow 2 thats amazing.......yea i think we have a built in radar in our you are doing well though.......From what I see on here the clicking is normal........Haha on the shopping nope no more excuse but thats a good thing.......Good luck golfing Im sure this will help your game !!!!!!!!!!!! wishes!!!!!!!
Hey! I forgot you and I were around the same time! Glad to hear you're doing well.
Steve.....great news and I'm so glad to hear you're doing so well. Doctors seem to disagree on kneeling....mine said it was fine when I could tolerate it. So I've been working on it. I do a lot of remodeling projects and gardening that require kneeling.

Keep up the great recovery! You'll have feeling in those knees soon. Mine came back shortly after the one-year milestone.
Oooh! I've such a passion to kneel lately and keep chickening out of trying. Got it all planned in my mind - two dining chairs and a pile of cushions and gently does it. Really got to put it into practice soon!
Good to hear. :thmb: March is a good time to get the surgery done as the snow and ice is pretty much gone before we have to venture out. :D

Oooh! I've such a passion to kneel lately and keep chickening out of trying. Got it all planned in my mind - two dining chairs and a pile of cushions and gently does it. Really got to put it into practice soon!

Me too... only I have no plan. I put sofa cushions on the floor and I hold on... then get halfway down and chicken out. Maybe I should take the time to come up with a plan so I can delay the actual event. :wink:
I have done it and yes it hurts a little but this was just one of many things I had not done in years that now I can do without fear or pain. Once you do it once you will want to again.
Oooh! I've such a passion to kneel lately and keep chickening out of trying. Got it all planned in my mind - two dining chairs and a pile of cushions and gently does it. Really got to put it into practice soon!

Jo, I did my first kneeling on the bed...nice and soft and no need to get the body up and down from the floor.
Great news! Keep up the great re-cup!! Shop ON!!!! ((:0)
Yep I am chicken too. I start to kneel and then think and of course the thinking makes me stop.

But one day I will.
Since everyone is different everyone will have a different reaction (and time for) kneeling. I could kneel almost from the beginning because my incision was slightly to the inside of my kneecap. The surgeon used my big old ACL repair scar from 25 years ago and simply repurposed it, so to speak. It helped alot because there was no typical scar up the center. BUT -- anyone who hasn't tried kneeling should, as Jamie did, try on the bed or on cushions NOT the hard floor. I found it;'s fine on padded carpets and even thin gym pads. But NOT the hard, bare floor!! AT least not when I first tried the bare floor at about 5 or 6 months out. Steve - congrats to getting back to your life!!
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