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anesthesia for HR

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junior member
Mar 8, 2009
United States United States
what can I expect after I wake up in recovery? I have not had any anesthesia, altho I did have a spinal with my first child. Part of my worry is my reaction to it, hallcinations??
Nausea?? How long before I am really awake?
Hi Creblue! Going into my THR, I never had any type of anesthesia before and was also concerned. I remember waking up in the recovery room and asking if the surgery happened already. I woke up just feeling a bit out of it. Once they rolled me into my regular room to see my family, I was able to have a normal conversation with them. I didn't get sick at all from it. In fact, they put anti-nausea medicine in the IV (not sure if this is normal practice for all operations)? I did have nausea the following day; however, I think this was a mix of the anesthesia and pain meds in my system.

When is your surgery date?
i am waiting for the phone call to schedule it. I have requested June, since i am a teacher. thanks for your quick response. hope all is good for me, the old lady!!!
Oh my is right! I must question my surgeon. I am scheduled for surgery June 4th and I just saw him today. I am having both knees replaced and can not give any blood for the surgery. I go to get my hemogloblin checked every month because I tend to have a low number and I usually get shots to boost it.
I hope this is something I don't have to worry about.
Jayne, I wouldn't worry about the blood situation. You do need to advise your surgeon of your low hemo periodically. He should know all your medical history prior to surgery. Not everyone requires blood after the operation. If you cannot give your own blood (have you asked about that???) and you DO need blood, it will be available through a blood bank.
It never ceases to amuse me how people imagine they are going to do all sorts of things in their anaesthetic or during the waking up phase. They think they're going to embarrass themselves and spill all their dreadful secrets!

Truth is, they say little or nothing they wouldn't say when they are compos mentus. Nausea is also much less of a problem than people think. I've never heard of anyone having hallucinations either. And all of that is with a general anaesthetic.

For a spinal all that is less to non-existant. You wake and talk almost simultaneously. And feel snug and secure and tucked up in bed! I love it!
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