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anemia after THR

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Jun 2, 2007
Hi everyone,
has any one experienced Anemia after THR? I had THR June 12th on my right hip, and thought everything was going well, i went back to work and have been feeling tired but I just thought it was work related. I was diagnosed with severe anemia. i need to get my left hip done but I have been kinda waiting till my right hip was completly healed.I think i need to wait till i get my blood in order before having another surgery. Any insight would be appreciated, and remedys for Anemia too. currently i am taking 65mg of iron three times a day. Thanks Katwood
Hi there, katwood. You have exactly the right treatment for anaemia. The only other enhancements might be some foods that are iron rich such as spinach but basically the med should to fine.

It's not entirely impossible - maybe, maybe not - that this has nothing to do with your THR and is just a coincidental happenstance. The anaesthetist will want your bloods normal before he does anything, too, so getting that sorted will be sensible.

Seems to me like the situation is sorted. Hope you can get your other hip done soon. Just let us know how you get on, ok?
Hi josephine,
thank you for the support. I just completed my yearly physical and had a bone density test done. I did not do so good. i have osteoporosis too. My surgeon wants me to get my blood in order before we do the left hip. I have a question though, maybe you can help me. My primeary doctor wants me to take Actonel. I have heard this can cause osteonecrosis of the jaw. I have the avascular necrosis of the hips. I am scared stiff!!! I hear that stuff is poisen.Have you any thoughts on this?
I am afraid pharmacology is not my strong suit, katwood. I've read some stuff on the internet about that treatment too and it certainly is scary. I usually try to put myself in the situation of what would I do if I was faced with this and the answer is I really don't know! I can only suggest you talk to your doctor and/or os about it.
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