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And now my bag is UNpacked!

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Jul 18, 2009
Mississippi, United States
Hi Y'all,
I'm back!!! Second surgery went well, although a little more painful. First time, I had an epidural, but this time they opted for nerve block and GA. Consequently, woke up feeling very nauseated. Took consolation in knowing that all the nasty pain from my back to my toes was now gone entirely and I will soon be up on my good hips and getting back into the mainstream of life. After some meds. for the nausea, I was ok, but did not have any appetite that first night, but ok afterwards.
Had to have 1 pint of blood with the first surgery, but had to have 3 this time, 1 during the surgery, and the other two post-op. No problems, just a little fever for a short time then that was gone.
My largest concern was when they pulled the drain out. First time, it was really painful, the worst stinging/burning. This time, no pain at all, didn't feel a thing. There I was, worrying myself all this time for nothing.
Hey Texas, what happened with baby cheetah, Toto? I didn't get to see any "Animal Planet", as it wasn't on the tv in the hospital, so also missed "Wild Russia".
Pleased to return to the fold and will keep you up with my progress and look forward to getting back on track with all the other threads.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Re: Have My Bag Packed

Welcome home, Glenys! Sounds like you are doing really well so far in recovery. We look forward to more reports from you.
Re: Have My Bag Packed

:wink::thmb:WOW!!! THAT was FAST!!!Now ice and relax! Enjoy being HOME!!!!:hehe:
Re: Have My Bag Packed

Hey Gleny's...I am so glad you are home and doing well....Yes take it easy thought . Don't go to fast. I am so sorry about Tito the cheetah . I ended up in the Emergency room with fliud in the knee and they had to drain it. I lost all track and didnt see it. I will do my best to find out online or see if its coming on again and I will DVR it....So so so bad.....I cant believe you needed that much blood. I think thats alot. Take care and I will let you know. Unless someone else watched it they can help us out!!!!!!!!!
Most excellent!

But I moved your post into the After surgery forum.
So good to be home. Am tracking about the same as the first surgery, although have pain this time, so am taking Percocet. Monday, felt nauseated, so spent the day in bed and put off taking shower till next day. After finally upchucking, I felt much better, and just had a light supper.
Tuesday, still felt good, and had my appetite back, so am back to eating. Did mini exercises and took a shower. Had a good day. Eating lots of Total cereal with raisins added to boost my iron, along with other ironclad groceries.
Hi Texas, so sorry about your knee. Do hope you was able to get it back on track. It sounds painful, having to get something drained. Don't they stick tubes in, etc?:evil::shk:The Big Cat Diary has repeats, so maybe we will get to catch up with Toto again.
I was a little shocked about the amount of blood, but apparently I lost quite a bit during the surgery, and it was already low as I had donated some for the surgery and it hadn't built back up and afterwards it was still weak (anemic) and my blood pressure was way down.
But all is well, and I am able to put my weight on my new hip and now have to exercise BOTH hips.:hissy:

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Glad you are home and on the mend, so sorry to break the news but Toto doesn't make it. They do not know what happens to him, but his mother reappears alone.
Hi Dawnie,
Thanks for the update on Toto. I had a bad feeling he wasn't going to make it.
Good luck for your future surgery; the last few weeks of waiting just seem to drag on forever.:rant::rant:

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Hi Glenys, great to hear that you are doing so well. It only seems like yesterday that you had packed your bag and we were wishing you well - doesn't it all go so fast.

Just take care now and look after both them hips - you'll soon be rushing around and back to normal.
Thanks to all for the positive feedback; it is so very encouraging. Even my status has improved, going from "newbie" to "junior member".:hehe::D And our forum advisors do an outstanding job of filling in the blanks when needed.:cool:
Am definitely feeling much stronger, although still need the pain meds, especially after sleep, etc. when things seem to get tired of being in one position. I feel better after exercise, and this morning tried out walking with my cane instead of the walker. This also felt better, but am taking it slow and easy as the first hip is still healing and I don't want to have any setbacks with it.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
glad to hear your doing so well. Hows the pain meds working for you at home?? Are you more comfortable at home or at the hospital??
If she was more comfy in the hospital, her family would send he BACK!!! NO place like HOME!!!:hehe:
Definitely much more comfy at home. Don't have to wait an hour for a bedpan, and then go through the misery of being left on it. Thank goodness for the overhead handle, as I used it to raise myself up off the bedpan. Really blew one of the nurses' minds when he finally dragged himself back in to retrieve the bedpan and I had it on top of the bedclothes. I can only tolerate so much pain and being ignored:hissy::hissy:. Not all of the nurses were so negligent, but it definitely makes home so much more to look forward to.
And the food is definitely better at home; and one gets to nap without being poked and prodded (no kids :wub:), and take all the time one wants in the shower.
The med, Percocet, is doing its job. I don't have a lot of bad pain, just kind of naggy, like a toothache. I know it is just nerves and flesh getting to know each other anew, and after all that battering and hammering, what can we expect?:skp: The funny twitches are a little aggravating, but not really painful.
Walked a couple hundred yards with my cane this morning with no bad effects. Now it is about conquering the mind, as I have been suffering for so long, and am anxious to get out and go again. Got a little testy with hubby this morning, poor soul, but he is very gallant, letting me have my hissy fit.:cool:

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Right leg would jump so high at night I really thought it will hit me in the your home and comfy and can pee pee when you want....The caretakers do go thru alot dont they.....My husband would do the same...oh ok...what ever I said then just walk out of the room and I was still saying yeah thats right as he was leaving poor things...Just take it easy you will get everything in time...Dont rush, ice and keep up with your medicine. I hope you get the relief you always deserved.....
Glenys, it sounds like you are doing really great and we all improve so much faster once we are at home with our own things around.

Take it steady now and don't rush too much, everything will happen in it's own time. I got cross with my hubbie too, we see things in a different way sometimes - like he couldn't see when to vacuum the carpet and would leave it until you couldn't see it for dog hairs (well that's how it felt to me at the time). Anyway this will soon pass and you will be back to seeing to things again.

I had the twitchy stuff as well, had two or three very restless nights when the leg wouldn't keep still - very annoying but it does go away.

Keep up the good work
Definitely much more comfy at home. Don't have to wait an hour for a bedpan, and then go through the misery of being left on it. Thank goodness for the overhead handle, as I used it to raise myself up off the bedpan. Really blew one of the nurses' minds when he finally dragged himself back in to retrieve the bedpan and I had it on top of the bedclothes. I can only tolerate so much pain and being ignored:hissy::hissy:. Not all of the nurses were so negligent, but it definitely makes home so much more to look forward to.
And the food is definitely better at home; and one gets to nap without being poked and prodded (no kids :wub:), and take all the time one wants in the shower.
The med, Percocet, is doing its job. I don't have a lot of bad pain, just kind of naggy, like a toothache. I know it is just nerves and flesh getting to know each other anew, and after all that battering and hammering, what can we expect?:skp: The funny twitches are a little aggravating, but not really painful.
Walked a couple hundred yards with my cane this morning with no bad effects. Now it is about conquering the mind, as I have been suffering for so long, and am anxious to get out and go again. Got a little testy with hubby this morning, poor soul, but he is very gallant, letting me have my hissy fit.:cool:

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
hi glenys im about the same place as you INCLUDING snapping at the wife!!.Keep up the good work
Right, slow and steady. From other threads, it appears that getting too ambitious with our recovery is a big bugaboo. The hip knows how to pay back.
It is helpful to get on here and vent our frustrations, but sometimes poor spouses get to bear the brunt of it. And it is difficult to have to have someone tend to us when that has been our job. I try to do as much as I can for myself as it is just not hubby's strong point. He can always finds lots of stuff to tend to outside. Took a few hissy fits before I got him to let me know when he was leaving as he would just up and go as he has always done.
Feeling stronger this afternoon and took another walk with my cane. It is about 100 yards each way, and then my exercises with no problems.
Go back for post op August 10, so will know then how things are going.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Hey Glendy's I think you will have a great post op visit your right I went gun ho and went backwards dont. Take it easy you will be fine...Tell hubby hang in there it gets better.....:hehe: Vent any ole' time....
Hi Glenys
glad to hear you are doing so well which is encouraging to someone like me who has a hip op on the horizon.

As you have had both hips done - a spinal for one, GA for the other - which was the best choice?
I really want a GA but keep getting told spinal is best. I know about the nausea but there is
medication for that isn't there?

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