thanks yall. well i finished up the prescription from the hospital last week at week 6, have a new one and just havent gotten it filled yet. i've over done it some so i've irritated my sciatic nerve. yep a royal pain in the butt at times. but nothing like preop. were just getting to the hard stuff in pt so i'm sure i'll be a bit sore but i just get achy . not afraid of taking the pain meds just dont think to. rachel i'm so ready for that day. in the last few days i've tried a few steps on my own , it makes me feel closer to the end and i do it to boost my own spirits. i didnt mean to sound like i was in the middle of prayer in my first post, but every day i go without gritting my teeth as i teeter onto shakey legs , well , that is the only way i can sound. out of all the surgeries i've had to know that these two will and have given me more of my life back is great. it was scary for me to trust a surgeon after all i've been thru, and you only every really have your intuition and their word as to what they are capable of. there is training and infection rates but they are just people capable of making mistakes and you do pray going in it wont be on you. i was way more excited then scared going into this. i remember the feeling of urgency and resignation because i didnt have any other options, it was surgery or dont walk at all. when i see new people with the lingering question, " do i do this or wait. " well i always think. its not going to get better on its own, but it sure can get worse. but i also think, in order to truly get the best results you dont need to jump too quickly because it is a major surgery with a long recovery, but most times if it got you to an os you've already been in pain for a while seen a regular practitioner and continued in pain till you got to the os. there were plenty of times over the last 6 - 10 years that i thought " oh , now is the time" then said " well if i'm still hurting next week i'll make an appointment " by the time the next week rolled around i'd put it off for another then the sever pain would be gone and i'd wait again. my quality of life was horribly effected, but remembering those days helps me thru the long recovery. a friend of mine asked me how i was doing and how my recovery was going because she is young and having hip trouble as well. i told her its slow and steady right now, but not to look at this surgery as the standard for recovery, to judge more by the last. i've had opposite extremes but no matter which you look at the outcome is similar. i dont have hip pain. weather the recovery is quick or a little lengthy in the end its the result that counts. healing takes time its having patience with the process that can be the most challenging.