I'm 1 year + 1 month.
After I had my 1 yr check-up, I decided that my present condition has become my new norm. I don't have as much flexion as I had hoped for, but I can live with the 110 degrees. I still have good days and some not so good days, but I'm trying not to let that change the things I want to do.
I can ride my bicycle. I can walk for a couple of miles at a time. I'm not confined to the wheelchair. I don't use a cane, crutches (or sticks) or a walker. I enjoy working out at the gym. I can climb a ladder to clean out my eaves troughs as I did today.
I enjoy twice weekly hydrotherapy classes and am 100% better off than many in the class. Two women in the class have to be lowered into the pool on a special elevator from their wheelchairs. (Not TKR patients)
I am certainly more at peace with myself than I was after 6 months.