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Almost one year out of TKR

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junior member
Sep 25, 2008
United States
I have decided that I will always feel like I have a piece of steel in my knee. Some days are good; some are not so good. I find that standing and working or cooking in the kitchen where I'm just moving back and forth gives me the most discomfort. Has anyone else experienced problem?
I was aware of the difference between my knees until I had the second one replaced--now they feel like they are "normal". I do not have any reall trouble with my year old knee--yeah, it gets tired and a bit sore if I overdo--but everything does anymore!
Linda how for out are you from surgery? It does get better.
I am 5 months out and I realized this week that when lying in the bed my knee feels so normal.
Hey Linda Im only 5mth but i Hope it goes away and I will def follow this thread.......Love to see what others say.......
I'm 1 year + 1 month.

After I had my 1 yr check-up, I decided that my present condition has become my new norm. I don't have as much flexion as I had hoped for, but I can live with the 110 degrees. I still have good days and some not so good days, but I'm trying not to let that change the things I want to do.

I can ride my bicycle. I can walk for a couple of miles at a time. I'm not confined to the wheelchair. I don't use a cane, crutches (or sticks) or a walker. I enjoy working out at the gym. I can climb a ladder to clean out my eaves troughs as I did today.

I enjoy twice weekly hydrotherapy classes and am 100% better off than many in the class. Two women in the class have to be lowered into the pool on a special elevator from their wheelchairs. (Not TKR patients)

I am certainly more at peace with myself than I was after 6 months.
Thank you all for responding. Like Vern said it's a new norm. I wish you all success and a speedy recovery at whatever level you're at. My knee is basically very strong--in fact stronger than the other knee. There are many things to be thankful for--I must remember to keep that in mind. It was great hearing from you. It's been a while since I posted. Take good care, LindaZ
I am 5 months out. I am beter now than before my surgery. Am I hiking or playing Can I shop for Will I in the future....I do not know.

The condition of my knees is the result of my past and present....not being wise. My one and only goal is to be wiser and healthier at one year.

Good luck
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