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almost month after surgery

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junior member
Jul 9, 2009
United States
Well it is almost a month after surgery.......I didn't think it would take this much time to get back in the saddle. How long was you guys on pain meds....I still am quizzie...not eating much at all. Went to PT yesterday can bend knee to 111 we tried me walking with a cane...but not near that leg is way to weak to stand on it's PT also agree that I can't go without the walker for awhile long did it take you guys to switch from walker to cane and then on your own. And I understand that it might take me longer since I wear a full length brace on the other leg....and the leg with the surgery was my good leg. I just wish I would feel better. Having problems with pushing myself with the walker....and I know I should be walking more than what I do you get to the part when you feel better???
You will feel better and you will get off the walker - when you feel up to it. Let it happen naturally. It's not like taking a dive off the top board, it's more like paddling and then in deeper. No pushing. Most people find it happens that one day they take a few steps across the kitchen to get the milk out of the fridge and realise they've done it without their walker! That naturally.

As for the pain meds, with your additional problems, I'd expect that you might be taking them a while longer yet but don't get worried about it. You hurt, you need pain killers. It's that simple! Personally, I was on major stuff for about 10 weeks and I had a stellar recovery.
Thank you I really needed to hear was an awful day for me....hopefully the days go better....was in tears all day today.
I stayed on the pain meds for about 3 months. I gradually cut back on the doseage. If you're hurting, take them..
Hi Jane you are still so early really at 6 weeks things change for me I got off the walker , i started to get stronger, ya this is a big surgery you will get there.......Take your time and so your excercises and keep us posted patients I know I didnt like that word either and 111 is really good............)
I was on the really good pain meds for about two months. But my day-to-day life sort of forced me off taking them because I was needed for "mom chauffer duty". I used a walker for almost two months too. Then crutches, then a cane.

111 for a bend is fantastic. I'm impressed. :thmb:
This recovery is going to be at the pace you are comfortable with and your body is comfortable. You had major surgery on your good leg. This means your weak leg (in the full length brace) is having to bear more if not equal weight which it did not do prior to surgery. Essentially you are learning to walk again with both legs...... If you can, really concentrate on if you are continuing to not put as much weight on the braced leg. If this is the case, try to even it out if you can. You may be just babying that one more than the TKR one!
I would also ask the PT to watch you walk and see if this is the case or not and what suggestions he/she may have regarding an equal gate. Are you remembering to roll heel to toe when you walk? This was huge for me during recovery to remember to strike with the heel and roll off the toe.
It all comes in time. I was on the pain medication about 4 months total. I weaned myself off during the day, but the last to go was the night time pain medication.
Keep up the good work and pace yourself......
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