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I had total knee replacements on both knees due to severe osteo arthritis. Left knee Dec 07 and right knee Mar 08. I still have pain, swelling and stiffness in both knees, and I don't know if I'm explaining this correctly but sometimes the new joints feel as though they lock up or move. I still have to use a cane. I have pain if I sit too long. It is difficult and painful going from a sitting position to a standing position. I cannot walk up or downs stairs. After walking for a while the area the knees swell and become painful sometimes the pain goes down to my feet. Even the air conditioner aggravates the pain. I don't regret having the surgery, at least I can get out of bed in the morning but after a few hours of activity I have to lie down and recuperate. I tried explaining what I was feeling to my doctor but was told there's nothing wrong and gave no further explaination. I think he only wants to hear success stories so I just stop complaining thinking maybe it's all in my head. I was told it only takes eight months to heal and be pain free. NOT TRUE!!! Please tell me I'm not crazy, and how do I explain to my doctor or any doctor the problems I'm having. Maybe I'm not communicating correctly.