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Almost 2 years after surgeries

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Jul 24, 2009
United States
I had total knee replacements on both knees due to severe osteo arthritis. Left knee Dec 07 and right knee Mar 08. I still have pain, swelling and stiffness in both knees, and I don't know if I'm explaining this correctly but sometimes the new joints feel as though they lock up or move. I still have to use a cane. I have pain if I sit too long. It is difficult and painful going from a sitting position to a standing position. I cannot walk up or downs stairs. After walking for a while the area the knees swell and become painful sometimes the pain goes down to my feet. Even the air conditioner aggravates the pain. I don't regret having the surgery, at least I can get out of bed in the morning but after a few hours of activity I have to lie down and recuperate. I tried explaining what I was feeling to my doctor but was told there's nothing wrong and gave no further explaination. I think he only wants to hear success stories so I just stop complaining thinking maybe it's all in my head. I was told it only takes eight months to heal and be pain free. NOT TRUE!!! Please tell me I'm not crazy, and how do I explain to my doctor or any doctor the problems I'm having. Maybe I'm not communicating correctly. :hissy:
Hey Lee Welcome, I wish I had the answer maybe Jo or Jamie might be able to help. I am so sorry your having so many problems. Well if you have explained to him what you explained here I dont see why he wouldnt get it. Maybe try another Dr to get an opinion ,. You have come so far to have to settle for all that. Just saying. Hang in there I'm sure others will have advice as well..I wouldnt see someone in that group, go way out on your own...Good Luck and please keep us posted...
Why try explaining to a doctor that does not want to hear.

Get another doctor. I would not let this go on much longer. But Jo and Jamie will be along soon to help you.
Get another DR. at 2 years you should be pain free and not having to think about you knees. I would see a revision specialist.

Finding a second and maybe a third opinion from a revision specialist would be my recommendation. The situation you describe is not acceptable.
I'd say find another doctor. Maybe a GOOD physical therapist could help too. My second one (not the first) was so helpful, she listened and had good advice that helped a lot. Don't forget to talk with your primary care doctor too.

LTKR Feb 23, 2009
RTKR June 8, 2009
Hello, LeeBall, and welcome to BoneSmart!

Thing is, this may be nothing to do with your knees. However, tell me some things about yourself first ... like your age, male/female, how much activity you've ever been able to do. Did you have PT after your surgeries, if so, how long? How much flexion did you have in your knees when you finished PT and how much have you know?

Do you have any other medical conditions like heart or lung problems, varicose veins? When did you last see your surgeon (as opposed to your primary care physician). What did he have to say about this situation or was it not apparent then?

Sorry to ask you all these personal questions but it will help me to get a better understanding of your situation.
Leeball I had total knee replacements in February 2008 and I have so much pain in both knees too. I complained to the surgeon and he did exrays and said the replacements are fine and wants to do manipulations on both knees. I have read pros and cons on this and dont know what to do either. I see on here everyone is saying see a revision specialist. I have never heard of that and wonder how you would look one up. I can go up the stairs and down but it is very painful and doesnt look normal. If I walk too much like yesterday I went shopping and man I am in so much pain. I dont use a cane or anything but the pain is in the front of the knees as well as in the crease behind the knees and radiates down the legs. So far I have only seen about one other person besides you and I that have so much pain. My range of motion was about 105 give or take in both knees. I did theraphy until My Mom died this february . So I had a year of it. I sure hope someone on here can lead us in the right direction. I live now in northeastern Ohio and I love my surgeon as far as that goes. He does care just doesnt seem to have the answers. I too would grately apreciate any help anyone can give. Thanks Susan
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