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air travel after PKR

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Aug 20, 2009
United States
Hello friends, I didn't get any replies about air travel back from Houston to Mexico after PKr. Have any of you had to travel by air after your surgery? My surgery date is October 14 and I plan to return to home Nov. 2.
My OS says I will be on blood thinners at least a few days (maybe 10) before and that I should be fine.

Please let me know your experiences. It is only a two hour flight, but then another 2 hrs home from the airport.

I can stand and move my legs on the plane and in the airport I think would help.

Thanks for any help, experiences, opinions.
This really something you should talk over with you Doctor. He will let you know when you will be released to fly. I can not give you that answer
There have been a couple on here that have traveled after surgery.

As Calling said you need to check with your doctor.

Also each surgery is different and everyone recovers different.

You really won't know anything until after the surgery.
Gringo flew at 2 weeks after his surgery. Check his posts. He seemed to do okay, but definitely get approval from your surgeon first. Hard to tell until after surgery how you will do. Know that doesn't help much, but it's the truth.

I traveled by van for 3+ hours at 2 1/2 weeks and did okay. Stopped every hour to walk around. Kept legs elevated while traveling on pillows in back seat of van. Wasn't comfortable...felt every bump and movement, but I survived intact.
Oops-I missed the dates. Check with your OS. It might not be easy, but certainly could be doable. It would be better if you have a back seat to ride in on the car journey. That early on it can be uncomfortable to sit with bent knees for so long.
You will be fine! Just ask them for a seat with plenty of leg room and take some pain pills before the flight. And if you can, have a vehicle with plenty of leg room too. Or sit sideways on the back seat so you can keep your leg elevated. If they can, get your 'chauffer' to bring some ice packs in a cool box so you'll have something to put on your knee during the drive home.

As for the DVT issue, just keep doing the ankle pumps and take the odd walk on the plane, regular stops for a walk during the drive. That's all you need.
I'm flying tomorrow! Also be prepared to trigger the alarms! Give yourself plenty of extra time to get to the airport and check in! You should get up and walk around and just try to enjoyTok, endure!!!) The flight as best you can! Make friends witht he flight attendant! ((:0). If there's room on the flight, take your shoes off and stretch out! Watch out for swelling and drink PLENTY of fluids in flight!!! Good luck! ((:0)
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