Age Limits

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Jul 9, 2009
United Kingdom

Is there a lower age limit at which a surgeon will not perform a knee replacement?

My wife suffers from arthritis to the right knee. She is in considerable pain (managed to some extent with Tramadol) and when she can walk it is only with the aid of crutchs, much of the time she is wheel chair bound.
Between the pain and the loosing her job, and missing out on her social/family life she is becoming depressed and I often find her crying.
She has seen consultants and surgeons and all have stated that a knee replacement is not and option because of her age.
If she had been 65 the surgeons we have seen have said that they would be happy to opperate but she is only 37 and they say that surgery is inapropriate.
We live in the UK and I believe that their discisions are based more on monetary concernes than medical. Although the British National Health service is free at source every person that works pays 5% of their salaries in compulsary National Insurance payments to pay for the service, so if she is being denied treatment because of money concerns I will feel kinda cheated.
I have found private clinics in Belgium and Germany and other countries that will perform various type of KRS and dispite paying my National Insurance I am more than happy to pay to get the treatment if it is appropriate.
So is it appropriate for a 37 year women to have knee replacement surgery?

Thanks in advance for any replies.
I myself am 43 and there are others on here that are younger, Frog Feathers is 39.

Ultimately it is the decision of the surgeon and what he feels comfortable with. For me, I had severe OA then injured the right knee requiring surgery. RTKR was the only wise choice as the other surgery was just to be a bandaid and buy about 6 months according to my OS. Hope this helps some. It sounds like she is in a lot of pain and needs some relief soon. I will be praying for you both.

That is so sweet of you to be so concerned about your wife. My hubby is alwasy concerned about me.

As for as age, just keep going to one. Tell her to tell them it has
interferred with her ability have a normal life.

Jo will be on soon and can tell you who to see. She is the nurse here and she lives in the UK.
Spitfire, there is a way forward and that's to find the surgeon who is prepared to treat the condition and not the age! I can also promise you that these decisions are in no way governed by finance.

There's no need for you to go abroad and spend money on this. If you will tell me whereabouts you live, I will try to recommend a hospital/surgeon where you can get her seen with some prospect of treatment. Such surgeons do exist - it's just knowing where to find them.

I'm also moving this thread in the Knee Surgery forum.
I myself am 43 and there are others on here that are younger, Frog Feathers is 39.
:evil: That's me! :wink:

I was 36 when I injured my right knee (for the 8th/9th time in 20 years). It was about a year later my left knee went bad. My doctors led me along for almost two years before FINALLY saying: "we've exhausted all other options"... (well, we did that three years ago!).

My surgeon said that he doesn't like to do surgeries like this on someone my age, but going just by my story (because the Veteran's Hospital gave us NOTHING except a letter of consult giving him permission to see me) and my X-rays, he said there was no choice. It was just as the others have said- quality of life. I went from walking for exercise to doing nothing. He said, "Sometimes, there are no other options..." He even told me I had the knee(s) of someone in their 60s. (that's what one gets for being an athelete as a teen and having various forms of arthritis that run in their family).

I went to him, hoping to get something like cortisone injections, I never thought I'd end up with a Cyborg knee. :wink: Now I just wish the VA hospital would have given me that letter earlier.

Listen to Josephine, she is wise. :D
Good Luck, Spit! Hope there is a positive resolution to your wife's dilemma! Keep plugging and keep posting! And welcome!!! :)
Welcome to BoneSmart, worries, Jo will help you! She's right. You just need to locate the right doctor and help will be on the way.
Hi and Welcome it is totally appropriate at her age. Im 41 . I am happy I did it. What you desribed was me to the T.....Atleast now I can plant plants, play with my kids again instead of saying no no mommy cant ugh !!!It is all about the Dr . 2 said no I was too young, but one said enough is enough. I needed my life back and I can assure you Im getting it back lil by lil........Just keep looking you will find one that belives enough is enough..Not to young all at, she needs her life back now and when shes older not just when shes older...Good luck please keep us posted.....
Hi Spitfire, and welcome to the forum.

It sounds as if your poor wife really needs that knee replaced. As Jo says, it's a question of finding the right surgeon. Where I live there are certain surgeons who won't operate on overweight people, but others who will. I personally don't know of anyone who has been refused a replacement due to being too young, but as you can see, there are lots on this forum who have had very successful TKRs at the same sort of age as your wife, and are now getting on with their painfree lives.

I hope that Jo is able to help you. Do keep us informed.
I am 45 and had my knee at 44. I did not have any trouble getting my doc to do the surgery. I had a traumatic injury in sports at 14 and lived with arthritis for years. My quality of life has dramatically improved. I am hoping you and your wife can find someone to help her get her life back,


Thanks very much for all the kind words and replies, my wife has read them and it has given her encouragment.

@Joesephine. I think I know in my heart that these decisions aren't financial. When I posted I'd found my wife crying and was a bit emotional my self. We live in Manchester, do you know of any surgeons that might help?.

Again thanks very much all for taking the trouble to help us.
Rats! I'm afraid you picked the one spot in the UK I have no knowledge of!

But give me a while - I'll be back later!
[] Age Limits

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