aftermath of tkr

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junior member
Nov 16, 2008
Hi...For the most part my recovery of the first of 1 tkr was very good. Op was Jan. 16th and my rom is 115. However, and I know this is a little of the knee topic; I have M.S. and seemingly because of the trauma probably I now have extreme leg jerks and pain in leg. Actually some but not much in the other leg also.I did have pain sporatically before surgery and the occasional jerk but the jerking has been continual for the past 3 weeks. I have seen the OS and my family doctor and they basically agree. There is some hope perhaps when the total healing of all the tissues and muscles heal perhaps the symptoms will be alleviated,however I am in a bit of a "depressed" state right now. Not bad, bad but definitely need to express to someone my state! And I feel a comraderie (sp?) with you people. So any of you led to prayer I would certainly appreciate because there is at this point no medicaation to really help me. I am going to an M.S. clinic but don't hold out too much hope. I am supposed to go to the OS in Sept. about having the other knee done but who knows? Sorry to be on a downer. Thanks for listening. Lindy
Hi Lindy! Sorry you've been feeling so down! My
Best friends daughter has MS......can you call your neurologist
& discuss with him if there are other meds you should be
Taking to make you more comfortable? Prayers are coming
Your way! And I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks Judles.....My OS said actually to go to an M.S. clinic instead of a Neurologist as they specialize in only M.S. I thought coming from a specialist and what he said made sense. Hence getting in to the clinic. Hopefully they'll know the latest. Jerks and pain do not respond to pain meds even strong ones. Thanks for caring Lindy
Please don’t worry; you will be in all our thoughts and prayers. I would like for you to speak with your PCP and see if Gabapentin would be right for you.

God Bless,
Lindy, my heart is with you and I will definitely be praying for some relief for you. I can imagine how this unexpected turn of events could make you depressed. But prayer can work wonders and you will have the love and support of your friends here on the forum. We're here whenever you need to talk, to vent, or to tell us of a good thing that has happened. Our extended family will gather 'round and be here for you. I'm so glad you feel that connection with the caring folks DOES help to have someone to talk to that can understand what you are going through. Please post any time you feel like it!!!
my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have had bouts of depression with other surgeries and sought help . went to a counselor for three months . u r not alone


That's a real 'between the devil and the deep blue sea' situation. You have my prayers.
So sorry you have so much on your plate, but glad you found BoneSmart--it's such a blessing! There's always someone here to listen and send prayers and encouragement your way. Hope that you feel better in every way.
Lindy -- it would seem that the MS clinic may have some specialized knowledge as your surgeon suggested. I know there are new drugs coming out all the time - one of which might help. Not "pain meds" per se but specifically for MS. You might do some Googling and see what you can turn up in terms of newest drug approvals. I know the system is different in Canada but I think you have something similar to our FDA which has to approve new drugs. I'm sure there are other MS people who have had knee or hip replacements too -- perhaps you might find some on one of the MS websites? Probably you've already done all this but just in case.... It's really tough when a disease like yours flares up unexpectedly and you're still healing from the TKR...... Good luck with the MS clinic!!
Hi again....thanks for all your prayers. RickB...I looked up the med you mentioned and while it may have done some good I know from prev. conversations with my PCP she would not give it to me because of the "possible side effects" mentioned. There would be some concern because of other medical problems such as kidney etc. But thank you for your thought. Lindy
To Backbay38....I am hoping that the M.S. clinic does have the latest and perhaps some relief. My sleeping is the pits. I was to the clinic 2 years ago but didn't have the severe leg pain and jerking and at that time they didn't suggest anything different for me. I find out 2 years later that it was because I take too many meds. "All nec. by the way for specific problems". That's why I'm not sure anything will be changed. If I could cut some out I certainly would to get something to relieve this present problem. But you are correct I should contact an M.S. group or the internet more to see if I can learn anything. I know this problem is not related directly to knees except for the TKR possibly setting things off but I appreciate the concern shown. Lindy
Lindy, this may be really off the wall because I am not familiar at all with MS and how it is treated. But I do know that some people on the forum have experienced terrible bouts with restless legs, especially at night. Some received relief by putting a heating pad at the base of the spine (that worked for me) and others swore that drinking some tonic water especially before going to bed helped. Neither of these things would harm you so I thought I would mention them just in the off chance they might help ease things a bit.

The nervous leg syndrome is fairly common after a TKR, although your situation sounds more severe....but I'm assuming that might be a result of the MS. Anyway, you might try one or both of these for a few nights and see if anything changes.
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