after knee replacement surgery/1year

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new member
Jan 4, 2008
United States
I am going to attempt to exercize after having rt. knee total replacement jan. 06. I have signed up for deep water aerobics and intend to go at my own comfort level. I am 55 years old and have osteoarthritis. I am going to need other knee done also which I am anticipating in 07. I have retired from a career of 20 + years standing on my feet. Anyone out there have similar age and experience. I am hesitating on the other knee surgery as it was so painful and the cost was terrible. Results however were wonderful. The knee I had replaced was my most painful. With 2 replacements needed, I had the worst done first. I find a small amount of off balance problems and am thinking it is from having only 1 done. Does having both done increase being off balance. I certainly do not wantr to break a hip.
Bit of both really, TW. You will feel unbalance because of the new knee AND because you still have the bad knee.

But the water aerobics sounds great! Good for you.
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