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Advice: Non-Medical pain releif

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junior member
Apr 15, 2008
Canada Canada
As i have said in my other thread, i am only 20...6'2-6'3 (This causes many issues since i am rather tall).

I am having a hard time sleeping...being comfy...All around attempts to take pressure off my left leg/hip.

What i am doing now to relieve pain is bending my bad leg (No more than 90 degree's, and laying it on the side of a pillow) But i am worried that this is not good for it, since i sleep like this....Good way to cause blood cloats.
I am looking for other idea's people may have that they have done to take away pressure on the hip during their recovery.

Anything would be awesome!! Thanks alot. (And no, i don't have a recliner)

For me, sleeping was the most challenging part of recovery. I slept with my back propped up on pillows, pillow between my leg and a hand towel rolled up under my ankle...I started to develop a pressure sore on my ankle. Anyway, that's how I did it, and slept on my side...the good side with a pillow between my legs.
Note on the pillow: I used a very good full-long pillow. It went from my inner thigh to my ankles.
Hang in there. it gets better.

35 yr old active female/THR Left/ Smith & Nephew/ metal on metal/Dr. Moore @ UAB
Get lots of pillows. You probably are allowed to sleep on any direction except on your surgery side as long as you keep a pillow between your knees. After two weeks out, my doctor said I could sleep on the operation side, but it was pretty uncomfortable.
Try making your pillows into a sort of arm chair so your neck & shoulders are supported and still use a shallow pillow under you knees if you need to. I wasn't able to sleep on my side until 6 weeks after op & then still had to have a pillow between my legs, I still use it now and I.m nearly 5 months now (but it's comfy). I recently have slept a little on my op side, a bit tender yet, but it's getting there. All the best Karen
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