adding to the house

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new yorker

junior member
Oct 5, 2009
New York
Hello again to all, What kind of stuff did you do to your house, yard, car etc... to make it easy on you when you get home after THR:D
You'll want to remove all the loose rugs that could be a tripping hazard. Most people like some type of grab bars for the toilet...maybe even a raised seat....this is temporary, but can make things easier. Freeze up some meals so cooking is not a chore. Plan ahead about where you will be most of the day...bedroom (need a bath nearby) or in family room (some people like their recliners).
No slip mats
Have coffee tables and stuff moved out of the way so you can get around with crutches
Have things you need not in low or high cupboards

There will be more from others .....
Move things out of your way as Jo said. Have the phone numbers of food delivery if you are going to be by your self.

Try to have some one with you for at least the first few weeks.

It was easy for me with all the help and family I had with me. I hope you have several that will help you out.

Good luck.
:D:D:D All of these are great ideas and will be very helpful. It is always best to get advice from those that went through it all. Thank you all:thmb: and I will keep checking back and adding to my clip board ....
Pick up rugs.....lay tv...........keep laptop near ya...........make food and freeze it or tv dinners easy to thru in micro.............
Grab bars by your raised toilet seat and in your shower, a high backed chair/recliner,lots of pillows, ice packs, and stool softeners!:sct::sct:
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