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Feb 13, 2008
United States United States
Hi all--

Does anyone have any experience with or information about successful treatment for knee osteoarthritis pain with acupuncture? I have heard of positive research on this but am wondering about real people experience?

After my brutal week teaching on concrete floors and long workdays/nights, I am really struggling with inflammation and pain in BOTH of my knees. I really don't think it is a problem with my new knee--- because this is bilateral pain. Rather I believe it comes from an auto-immune inflammatory disease that I have in addition to the OA.

It's been a long time since I have had pain this intense. I can hardly walk even with my cane. I might have to go back to crutches if it is not better tomorrow. I am having one of those sitting up at night crying sessions again. Darn it anyway.

Anyway, I need to keep looking for answers. I see my OS on Monday and we will talk about both my knees, but unless the other knee has deteriorated rapidly these past months it is probably "just" inflammation and not another KR in my immediate future.

Any ideas? I would really appreciate it and your support. You are all the best.
Carolyn, in my best fake medical professional voice, I will tell you that my guess is you just pushed your body to the max these past few days. Your schedule would have leveled a perfectly healthy person and you are still in recovery from (as Josephine puts it) MAJOR SURGERY!!! It may be a long weekend as your body catches back up, but do take it easy and give it a chance. I'm so glad you stayed home from work's pretty obvious from your pain that your body needed a Time Out. Your good knee is having sympathy pains for your wounded knee (it has had to pick up the slack, you know). Although it might be a mental downer, I think if you have to go back to crutches or a walker for a couple of days, that might help take some of the pressure off your aching don't let it get to you. My therapist told me to do just that one day when I overdid my exercises and got severe leg pain. You'll get better each day and be right back to your new old self really soon! Sending you a special (((((HUG))))).
Beach, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. That is one of my biggest fears. I feel the best that I have felts in 5 years or more and now that i do my autoimmune stuff will kick back in and steal my peace. Like maybe Jamie said, a few days rest will do you some good. As we both know, autoimmune's greatest trigger is lack of rest. I haven't heard much about accupuncture other than the blurbs on TV. 'Cept for the little needles and the $, I don't think it will hurt you.
Hmmm - yes, okay. Now you all know I'm a nurse so you won't be surprised if I'm a tad sceptical about acupuncture. I know my dad took my step-mom miles to an acupuncturist for years and it did her no good - zilch, zero. However, I have amongst my friends and acquaintances a couple of people who swear by it. Whether that is a placebo affect or not, I couldn't say. But then, there is an awful lot of things about the human psyche and physiology that we still don't even know about much less understand. So end result is, if you want to try it, go for it. Just make sure the practitioner uses new, sterile and preferably disposable (i.e. one use only) needles and swabs your skin well before inserting them.

Oh yes - and let us know how you get on!
Beach, I used acupuncture for my thyroid when I was pregnant because I couldn't take any medications. It wasn't a cure, but it was able to keep my thyroid at a reasonable level until I was able to have radiation treatments. It can't hurt. It can be expensive. Find a good person - my chiropractor made a recommendation for me. Make sure they are credentialed, etc. I hope you can find some relief. I'm concerned about you! I'll be praying for a quick return to your previous recovery status. I, too, have a tendency to over do when I feel good... we all need to learn balance!!
Beach, let us know how you're feeling today. Were you able to get some good rest last night?? Been thinking about you this morning....
Skeet, what is wrong with your thyroid? I am hypothyroid. Why couldn't you take thyroid med when pregnant? My endo just usually increases the amount as needed by monitoring.
As far as balance, my PT in the hospital told me my new word to learn was moderation. Ha! OK, I'll try...............................
Feeling better beach?
Good morning all--
Thank you so much for your kind wishes and support. I did sleep last night, finally, and woke up feeling ok--- until I moved and got up. Took my meds and am sitting here in my pjs wrapped up in ice packs and planning another day of rest. It is a beautiful day here in Oregon. I wish I could could get out and about. A friend just called and asked me to meet her at a big Tulip festival and I regretfully turned her down. I know I need to just stay put and rest. I will see my OS on Monday, but I really do think it is over-work and the auto-immune inflammation. Unfortunately--- my job requires this level of activity and there isn't much more I can do to "take it easy" there.

I am going to keep looking for anything that might help-- my insurance will pay for acupuncture so I will probably try it. Maybe it is time for a cortisone injection in my other knee or other treatments.

Thanks for your support. I hope you all have a great day.
Beach, I'm glad to hear you are going to take it easy this weekend. I think you will feel better on Monday. Just try and sneak in some down time whenever you can with your the sympathy card!!! You deserve the special attention!!!
This is similar to the chart I was telling you about last night. Those "vital points" have been used for years in martial arts. They obviously control something or so many cultures wouldn't use it.
Like I said and Jo touches on..Can't explain it. Some swear by it and some swear at it.
Based on my experiences finding a good acupuncturist or chiropractic is the most important.
Beach, I tried actupuncture for a completely different problem.. but I hated it. All those needles and it is uncomfortable when the put them in.. and caused bruising on my skin... I would not consider it at all now plus at this stage I am concerned about anything that involves a needle outside a licensed healthcare provider..... ie: health risk
Just my opinion... Blessings LInda
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