Thanks for the insight. Wish I had known about the failure rate for the muscle and tendon repair. I am not sure about the success rate of PRP injections either although it did give me relief for about 3 1/2 months.
The DJD is mild right now. I do yoga daily (with modifications for my hips).for my fibromyalgia which helps with that pain. There are so many restrictions after THR that I am afraid will end my yoga practice.
I feel your pain in regards to the hip scopes. My left hip healed beautifully after my surgery in July of 22 (FAI and labrum repair). My right hip unfortunately has been a much, much longer struggle—FAI and labrum repair in June of 2023 and psoas release, labrum debridement, and revision pincer osteotomy in October of 2024. It’s been a ride!
I can’t speak for any of the hippies on this forum but I’ve heard (only heard!) through my physical therapy friends that a hip replacement is a much “easier” recovery than a hip arthroscopy. I went down the scope path because of my age and because luckily, I didn’t have any arthritis in my hips. Recovery from each surgery has been BRUTAL, but I FINALLY feel like we’re moving upwards, as opposed to sliding downhill.
I will also say that I practiced yoga regularly before my surgeries. I’ve taken a few classes in between surgeries, but don’t feel quite ready to practice again. I know plenty of people who have maintained an active yoga practice post hip replacement.
Personally, I think my yoga practice will look mildly different when I finally decide to return. Essentially, no more forcing my hips into certain poses for extra mobility or rotation. I understand the limits in how my hips move and at this point, I just want to get back on the mat, regardless of what that looks like. Maybe your perspective is different.
I am curious with how many PRP injections one can get. I don’t know much about the therapy, but I’ve heard it can be very helpful. If at some point, PRP isn’t effective would you consider a replacement or what does your surgeon recommend?
If there is bursitis and a tear, your body is probably experiencing an imbalance. Is there a reputable hip physio you can seek out to evaluate your case? Gait, strength, posture, imbalances, etc?
All just my thoughts. Wishing you the best on your journey.