Prior to my THR I was taking (and teaching) pilates classes. Also, I took yoga classes (but had to modidy poses on my right side due to not being able to support my weight on the right arthritic side). I stopped taking dance classes because that would just lead to complete limping and pain the following day.
I'm wondering what activities those with a recovered THR have been able go to back to. Any activities that you felt were completly restricted even after THR?
Prior to my THR I was taking (and teaching) pilates classes. Also, I took yoga classes (but had to modidy poses on my right side due to not being able to support my weight on the right arthritic side). I stopped taking dance classes because that would just lead to complete limping and pain the following day.
I'm wondering what activities those with a recovered THR have been able go to back to. Any activities that you felt were completly restricted even after THR?