A Whole Different Flavor of TEDS

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Feb 24, 2008
New York City
I was using the wrong type of TEDS (below the knee which acts like a tourniquet on TKR patients). I spoke with my OS and he prescribed an over the thigh TEDS which is measured (ankle, calf, thigh and length) and has a graduated compression of 20-30. It was brutal to put on but the results are nothing short of remarkable. My ankle and top of foot was very swollen and that swelling is diminished by 75% in the first 6 hours. The only down side is the cost: $85! but I suspect it will be worth it. I wish I had gone this route on the first TKR

Sorry but you paid way to much for your TEDs. Since I have to wear these things until Oct. I needed to purchase a couple more. Good ole Wal-Mart has
them for under $30 per pair. These are white thigh high.

Rick, that is a whole different kind of TEDS and they were available at the surgical supply store for about $30. These require a physician's prescription for compression strength in 3 places (ankle, calf and thigh) and are in the high 70s to mid 80s even on internet sites. Believe me I wish I could have used the $30
version but I needed it to be very intense at the ankle and foot level. Thanks for you input however.

Thanks, I learn something, I hate these horrible TEDs!!!!!!!!!

Agreed. With these. peeling them off is like removing a 2nd skin. It is actually painful. But the ecstasy once they are off. And do they work.
I'd actually get claustrophobic with them! (Though that's not difficult for me!) They are such a struggle to get off - but so worth it to wear them. When having them put on in hospital, the nurse used a plastic bag over my foot to help them slide on more easily. Wish you could to something similar when taking them off!
Wow, I wish I had that information earlier. In the hospital my TEDS came below the knee and even on the inpatient rehab floor they did move up 1 size but that only got them to just about above the knee (but they moved down). They said I had long legs and they didn't have any longer ones and these are hitting shorter because the knee/leg was so swollen from surgery (the OS really had to fight to get the TKA in due to prior surgery). You are right about the tourniquet feel. I did get relief 1 day when the nurse notice that they had actually cut the skin open.

My OT (occupational therapist) gave me a neat aid that helped get them on and another to get them as well as pants off. It is a long stick with a hook type thing on it. It worked.

Good luck and glad you got the problem solved.

I did get relief 1 day when the nurse notice that they had actually cut the skin open.

Well, bully for her! If only she'd been a tad more observant she could have seen how tight it was BEFORE it cut the skin.
[Bonesmart.org] A Whole Different Flavor of TEDS

Rule 1 of nursing: be OBSERVANT!

Amazing how many nurses these days aren't ...

Sorry but you paid way to much for your TEDs. Since I have to wear these things until Oct. I needed to purchase a couple more. Good ole Wal-Mart has
them for under $30 per pair. These are white thigh high.


Rick, I just saw the $30 TEDS at our local CVS (of course they were $40 at CVS not $30 like Walmart). They are a generic, one size fits all with no compression settings which I needed. I am sure that for some people they would do just fine.

The ones I purchased at wally-world are pretty much the same as they put on me in the hospital. They all are the same putting on and taking off. The only thing I know abouts these TEDs, is I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!

agreed. putting them on before you get out of bed in the morning is absolutely horrible. my leg hurts enough w/o the pulling and fingers digging into my swollen calf and quad. but the bottom line is they do work and they will be put in a drawer very soon.
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