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A walk through Manhattan at 16 days

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Feb 24, 2008
New York City
Last night I met my son for dinner in Manhattan where he goes to college. We had to park the car 9 blocks from the restaurant. Bear in mind this is New York City, after work and these city blocks are 10 to a mile and the concrete is uneven and to cross streets involves stepping off up to a foot. I should have my head examined. My 2nd TKR was 16 days ago. This kind of walk produced
horrendous results. My knee is the size of a softball and last night was one of the worst pain nights before or after surgery. No Percocet, ice or tossing and turning could soften the blow. I had it in the CryroCuff on and off all night and right out of bed. 16 days post surgery? I should have my head examined.
When I saw the titile I was so amazed. Now I understand!!!
Hope you learned your lesson!!!
Of course I never do!!!
What were you thinking! lol Hanging out with the kids will do that to me--push harder than I should. I hate to disappoint them, and truthfully, I think I hate to show them any weakness. Old habits die hard.

It will calm down again, but ice, the CPM, and the elevation are all really good aids.
Just a thought - why didn't your son drop you off at the resturaunt and THEN go park the car?

Whenever I take my sister anywhere I always do that. And then she waits there while I go get the car and come back to pick her up.
A good thought Josephine and a rational one. I, although I grew up in NY, forgot how long the blocks are, how uneven the walking surface and how recent my surgery was. After my first TKR in January, there is no way I would have even considered any kind of walk like this. I don't even think I was getting in and out of a car yet. Between the CPM and the Cryro Cuff, it seems to be calming down. You could have hit that softball off of my leg this morning. Looked just like the night of surgery. I am sure my OS would kill me if I told him.
Fortunately, no falls and a wonderful dinner with my son and wife. What could be better?
Wayne, I had a big smile on my face when I read that you walked so far at 16 days into the recovery, fully knowing what was going to happen. I did something similar with my second knee at 19 days post op this summer. My sisters came to visit and of course I had to take them into Washington, DC sightseeing. We did a sightseeing tour at the Library of Congress and then walked about 12 city blocks that are pretty long. It must have been 2 or 3 miles total that day. Boy did I pay for that day just like you are paying for your evening out! It took me about 4-5 days to get back on track!

So.... just telll yourself that you've done your stupid thing and now you have to get back on track! Keep icing and get that knee up like we were talking about on another thread the other day. Karen
Karen, I am glad you added the 4-5 day recovery line. I am still aching, swollen
and at a pain level far greater than before "the walk". I even put heat on it last night which is the act of a desperate man. Wayne
Wayne -

At first glance - I read the title of the post and immediately thought - WOW - I only wish I could do that - then I read the entire post - Its things like going to dinner or shopping or sightseeing that make me thankful I live at a distance from family! If I had to balance my tkr with my job and "normal" everyday East Coast activities I would be in a deep state of depression. I am a born and bred Long Island girls and even at 8 weeks I can't imagine walking throught the city. My big splurges right now are to the grocery store to get the necesseties to get through the week - and ifor dinner out - if it isn't drive through I am not there! (YUCK! - but its growing - literally - on me!)

I took my 9 year old and "Eskimo" huband to the city in early December 2007 before the knee went totaly south. We walked from Penn Station up to the Park through Times Square and did all the tourist stops. I am so glad we did it when we did - I don't see me doing that this fall when we go home - we may just do a drive to the Wineries out eat on the Island - less walking more alcohol :)

Anyway - As my pt says - this too shall pass - I am right there with you with the ice- cryocuff and elevation this weekend (oh and snooping around here at BoneSmart!)- I am on a weekend of hanging and bending - need to get that ROM!

REST you silly overachiever!

Thank you for your encouragement and identification w/my distress. I would love to tell you that the swelling has come down, but that it not the case so far. My leg feels like it was pummeled or kicked from the mid thigh to the ankle on both sides, which makes perfect sense considering the horrendous walking surface and the 17 days of recovery the leg had under its belt. I have the TEDS stocking back on and I am urging the Percocet to work better than it normally does. Of course, without it, the pain is very unmanageable. I ever tried some plain old aspirin, heat the ice, CPM machine for 4 hours and quite a lot of whining. I figure by Tuesday it will have calmed down. I begin outpatient PT on Wednesday with the head of our very esteemed PT facility who treat the NY Jets, Islanders and all the college sports teams. They performed miracles on knee #1 so I want to bring #2 in unfettered by all this swelling. Be well, Wayne
I hope you get to feeling better real soon!
I am 10 weeks post-op and I still let my head overrule my leg at times.
Of course the leg wins out and its off to bed with the ice again.
Hope you PT goes well. Sounds like you are gonna be in VERY good hands!
Take care,
Tammy, thank you for your encouragement. Seems like the combination of ice, rest, CPM machine and stretching have helped turn the corner back. The swelling is still prodigious but I can now resume my PT exercises that were untouchable a day or so ago.
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