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A veteran returns....

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May 22, 2008
United States United States
Hello all.

I had a RTKR in April 2008 and a LTKR in October 2008. Yes, my second knee is having it's one year anniversary.

I found this forum just before my first TKR and it was a total godsend. All those silly little recovery questions--everything form stool softeners (Take Them!) to When will the numbness stop?(eventually) to Will I ever sleep through the night again? (Yes--you will). All the encouragement is here--take advantage of it!

I stopped by to give you HOPE. For me, and the vast majority of people, this surgery gives you back your life.

I am 57. Before the surgery, I didn't even realize how much pain I was in. I wouldn't stand for 5 minutes without looking for a chair. I couldn't walk but half a mile without pain. I tried the shots with minimal relief. We went to Disney World and the family had to push me around in a wheel chair.

NOW, I barely think about my knees. They are NOT the first thing I think of as I get out of bed in the morning. I no longer sleep with a pillow under my knees. I can walk for miles. As we walk, my husband STILL frequently remarks with delight how amazing it is that I can walk so well and so quickly.

Last May, with one knee 1 year old and the other barely 6 months old, I went to Egypt and climbed a pyramid! A big one!

The recovery is tough, that's no lie. But it fades as you become able to do more. Like Jo & Jamie preach, Just do your exercises (but not overdo), take your pain meds, take your stool softeners, don't go back to work too soon, ICE, and rest!!!

For me, like for so many, this surgery is nothing short of a miracle. I have a life again! Also, like so many others, my only regret is not having done it sooner.

It's okay to be scared--but don't let fear stop you or limit you. Arm yourself with knowledge. Find a good competent caring doctor and trust. The odds are WAY in your favor.
Aw Im so happy for you your right thats what its all about getting your life are so right again about recovery its tough but well worth it...........Im glad you came back to post i think this thread will come in handy for newbies congrats to you..........)also glad your doing so well......)
Re: Should I wait or have it now?

Gretchen - hello! Good to see you!
So glad you are doing so good. I remember the pics you posted.

I am 6 months out and hoping soon my lef will be doing so good I won't think of it.

I still have some stiffness and a little pain but not a lot. Someday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your post. It is exactly what I needed today. I am one week away from my first knee replacement and feeling a bit nervous. Okay, completely nervous!
You made me a bit teary when you said you used to look for a chair if you stood for 5 minutes. I tell my family all of the time, " If I am on my feet my ONLY thought is when can I sit down?". I, too went to Disney this year and moved from chair to bench. What a waste!

I am so happy to hear of your successes with your surgeries. Thank you for taking the time to pop back in here and inspire us.

Sincerely, Kimberly
Good going, Gretchen! It's the BEST feeling in the world to re-claim your life! Enjoy!! :thmb::evil:
Jo--great to see you're still going provide everyone so much hope, inspiration and knowledge.

Kimberly--I'm so glad it helped a little. I remeber how much it helped me to read of others' successes. In a year, I expect you to be coming back and writing your success story!!!

It's good to se a few of the "old folks" still posting here.

This is a very special place :)

I've been getting either fed up or so happy with recovery. I'm sick and tired of the roller coaster. Either let me recover or let me know I'll be messed up forever. I'm getting to the point where I just don't care anymore. It is GREAT to hear this story. I'm looking forward to being "normal" again.

Thanks again!
Hi, Gretchen!!! How sweet of you to stop by for a chat! And what great news about how well things are going. It is so heartwarming to hear. And even doubly so, knowing that BoneSmart and all of us Caring Crazies were able to help you through two knee replacements and their recovery. You made me smile today, my friend!!!

Hope you have some time to spend with us now and then. We've had quite a number of folks from back then stop in and say hello. It's a treat and VERY important to the people who are nearing their surgery date or still in the painful part of recovery.
Gretchen--I remember you from when I was "lurking" around this site. So many of you in the past gave me such inspiration. You've given inspiration again--to many others.

I finally had my LTKR on 8/10---after 3 years of pain and limping--and those were the "bad" three years at the end. I felt my active vital life was over for good. Fast forward to today--about 2 months post surgery.

I AM GETTING MY ACTIVE LIFE BACK AGAIN. My new knee is fantastic---I'm walking--exercising--doing so many things with ease. I am so GRATEFUL each day--I really have no pain or limp at this point---have been walking without aids (although I carry a cane in the car) and I look forward to each day. Even stuff like going to Walmart and shopping-- makes me smile---everything I do seems better. Does it mean at 61 that I am 20 again---well NO of course--I still have other body parts that complain as I get active again. But--now if my other knee or hip(s) begins to hurt--no doubt I will be first in line to have another replacement--so I can indeed spend many more active years. SO BE IT!

Thanks again Gretchen for your posting.

YOUR story is inspiring!

*grins* We forget about the lurkers sometimes. Glad one of you surfaced--and with another great success story.

In retrospect, our fears and delays seem so silly, don't they? (But to those of you facing it, we understand it--we've been there!)
Like Kimberly, I am just a week away and to read these success stories is great encouragement, thanks to all of you and I am also so glad to have found this forum.

Good Luck Kimberly, we'll be posting our successes soon.

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