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A Thursday Pondering...

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Yeah or from what you guys have said, she already had one and the pain killer side effects wore off and she just needed some time to take care of things...
Nothing surprises me anymore...(except some of the folks on this forum----Patti, Skeet, Gat)..
I saw some bizarre thing in my police career. And if you ever talk with an experienced emergency room nurse, they can curl your toes with more stories.
I would hate to have seen this woman's south side when they removed the seat.
I SOOO know what you mean, Doug. I was Asst. Clerk of Court in the District and Superior Divisions of Criminal Court for 10 years....I got to see and hear all the gory/crazy stuff. (It was really tough when it was someone I KNEW!)
There are occasions when I can drive by a location and I will have a vivid flashback. I will actually start sweating.
I've talked with some other retired cops and they have the same thing.
I guess that's why we have such a good retirement system.
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I could also tell you some tales .....
This lady on the loo lives near my mother-in-law. We were all joking about how nuthin ever happens in a small town in Kansas.... nuthin but weird stuff like this and oh, yes, there was the "in cold blood" killing that occurred nearby, too.
After several days of investigation, it was revealed early today that the woman stuck on 'the loo' had recently undergone TKR and refused to take the stool softeners. That is all.
Crack me up, Gat. You made me not only smile, but I laughed and snorted!! Good one.
Don't be flirtin' with my boyfriend, skeet!! You know how much he loves a girl that snorts!!!!

back off! Don't make me have to get in my hubbie's gun safe.....well, actually, I'd have to hit you over the head with it, but it'd really HURT!
I would NEVER mess with your boys, girl. I'm not STUPID! As Gat says, just sayin...
I found something else I want today.
Well .............. ? Give man, don't keep us all in suspense!!
Oh, nothing much, Skeet and I were having a late night firearms discussion the other night and then yesterday I found another rifle that I want but don't need. Now my son has seen it and he wants me to get it also.
Okay, since you guys opened this up I have to ask. What and how was she stuck? I mean they made it sound like she had grown around the seat or like her a$$ had wrapped around the seat. I DO NOT understand and I am with the boyfriend on this one. I mean, she seemed happy. Why didn't they leave her alone. And if she was stuck how did she change her clothes, and you guys know what clothes I am talking about. I JUST DON"T UNDERSTAND, OKAY? TELL ME HOW? Rowdy
There are some things I don't wanna know.....
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