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A little setback

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junior member
Jul 14, 2008
United States
Hi all,
I saw my OS today and discussed with him the numbness in my left leg when standing for a few minutes (RTHR 6/16). I also showed him where the back of my right thigh is completely numb. I talked about the pain that goes down my right leg from my buttock. Well... as you are probably guessing the nerves in my lumbar are really irritated. I had 3 back surgeries in 1990 including 2 fusions. This was not a surprise to me, but I didn't expect it 6-7 weeks out. He said this was not unusual, especially considering my back issues, and that it might get a little worse before it gets better.

He said no work until I see him on 9/12, more so because I have to drive an hour each way to work.

Hip wise, it's healing well and I have good movement in it. Guess I just needed a little venting. Thanks, Debra
Hi Debra, I understand the back pain. I had sciatica pain with my first tkr. Each time I tried to push my knee down to work on the extension, I would have that all too familiar nerve pain. I never could get past a -15 extension because of it and ended up having a manipulation. The back/nerve pain was so much worse then the knee pain for me. Unfortunately, I had no surgeons extending my time off work (lucky for you). I went back at 8 weeks with this knee but did continue PT for 5 months. I took two months off and then started up again for the next knee. I commute two hours each way to work and I know how miserable it is to sit with this kind of pain. Almost impossible sometimes, huh? Hopefully you can get past it before you have to return to work. My sciatica is gone but the back pain remains to a certain degree. Good luck with it! Karen
Hey Debra and Karen,
Yes, I too have the back issue. I have moderate Scoliosis in my upper and lower spine. Over the last five years the lower spine has really given me a fit but I have been going religiously to the Chiropractor and that has helped.
It has been six months now since my LTHR and my pain is now more apparent in my lower to mid back on the left side and the left upper thigh. It all seems to come together, the back the hip replacement and the pain. My thigh issue is to do with the muscle. I am exercising that part. I also use that ARNICARE GEL for the minor aches.

My only advice is to keep up some kind of PT and take the meds you need. I have to admit, I have finished two bottles of Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM combined plus Boswellia. I have noticed I am doing so much better with my right arthritic hip. It must really be helping the joints. That is another route to take is the Health Food Store. There are things out there that do not hurt to try in our situations. And Debra, you are still so early yet. Those first 8 weeks, I had pain everywhere, the knee, the foot, the thigh, the incision, etc. Never knew where it would go and where it would stop....Drove me crazy.

We just have to hope it all gets better and we can be normal again...Patty
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