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A hunting we will go!!!

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May 18, 2006
Duxbury, VT
United States United States
Hey All,

I just have to share!! And thank my most wonderful surgeon for this chance!!

I spent the day fox hunting with the Green Mountain Hounds!! Not to worry, anyone, we don't actually chase a live fox, it is a drag hunt. A scent bag is dragged along the ground before hand and that is what the hounds scent and chase.

There were about 45 horses and riders, the day was perfect, the hunt trail was really fun with lots of trails, open fields, cool jumps. the hounds were great and did a good job of keeping on track so we had a good hard fast ride most the time. We rode for about 2 1/2 hrs.

After our potluck lunch, very yummy, I exercised a polo pony for about 75 min. I think I will be sore tomorrow, but I still will be grinnin ear to ear!!

(Believe in Barbaro)
Hey Everyone -

Andrea - I am living vicariously thru you while I am in pre-op mode. The fox hunt sounds marvelous. I grew up riding and if I ever won the lottery, horses would be first on the list.

Just about 6 weeks to go before surgery. I am trying to keep up with the exercise as I know it is important but as all of you know it is sometimes hard to work thru the pain. I am truly hoping my "McDreamy" finds no reason to back off the bilateral as I just want it done and be able to start "living" again. Andrea, how soon did you tackle stairs and how hard was it? I anticipate spending approx. a week at a rehab (I live alone) after I am discharged but once I get home I have to deal with a flight of stairs from the garage level to the main living area. Thank God, I do have a bathroom on that level and will move a bed down so once I get there I should be all set - I will have the kitchen stocked with lots of good healthy food and then, of course, some treats like ice cream and good chocolate :)

Take care,
Hi Diane,
The fox hunt was indeed marvelous! There are at least 5 more that I should be able to get to, maybe a few more between now and the end of Oct. Want to know what I was amazed about? My legs were not sore after all that riding, it was my upper body, shoulders, arms, back that took the brunt! I spent most time trying slow down both my horse during the hunt and the polo pony that only knows high gear! I got blisters on my fingers!

Good idea spending a week in rehab if you live alone. They will work extensively with you to get you back on your feet before they send you home, including teaching you how to do stairs. In the hospital, the PT had me doing stairs the afternoon of the day after my surgery! It is not all that hard, mostly a matter of timing. I had my DH and son both at home to wait on my every need:), so I was able to go right home, just 2 days after the surgery. I had steps up to the house too, but the fear of doing it is much worse than actually doing it. Just make sure your driver can stay to help you out. We moved our bed to the first floor too and have a first floor bathroom, but I found that within a week it was not hard to go up and down the stairs anyhow. Did they tell you a recliner is really nice to have? We actually bought one for me. The one we got had 4 feet it rested on so we bought the bed raisers and used them on the recliner to make it high enough. Worked like a charm! I use to 'practice' getting in and out of the bed and the chair without using my legs before the surgery. Does your hospital offer 'hip cl***es'? If so, take it!

Um, you can add the good(dark) chocolate to the healthy food list, my dear! Just don't forget to add the red wine(when done drugs) to make sure it is very healthy!!

Please keep working hard on your exercise. Do lots of core, that should not be too painful. Are you doing weight training? You will be so thankful if you are able to add that strength.

(Believe in Barbaro)
Good Morning everyone,

Andrea, thanks for the information on working out and also the tip on the recliner and bed raisers - I have seen other threads saying a recliner worked for them as well. I think I am going shopping this weekend :)

Slowly the ducks are all being lined up and the time is going by fast for me. This Tuesday afternoon I have several appointments (pre-admin, pre-op, ortho, and x-ray) so I will be armed with much more information on my specifics after that. I have double-checked with my health insurance company (don't want any surprises!) and all looks good.

How is everyone else doing? Anyone else close to their surgery date? If so, how is everything going?

Later Gators,
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