A Couple of Disappointments

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junior member
Oct 11, 2007
United States
I am usually "Ms. Positive" around here, but I was a little sad over a setback and figured I'd boo-hoo here and get some hugs.

I'm almost six months post right TKR. I went to a "Painfree Gardening" class on Saturday morning and dang it screwed up my knee! I had just gotten to the point where I could kneel a little bit. Unfortunately many of the exercises were done on hands and knees, and after several tries at these, I had to quit. By then, the damage was done--I've been swollen up and in pain ever since. Of course, I've been icing and elevating, but it pretty much wrecked my weekend.

Then today I was so looking forward to hearing the Dalai Lama speak at the university where I work, but the logistics were going to be a little dicey--involving my having to walk all the way across campus. Well, I gave it the old college try, but less than halfway there I was really hurting (from my supposed painfree gardening class) and I gave up and went home.

I know there's nothing major wrong with my knee--it's just some swelling, and with swelling comes pain. I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days. But I'm disappointed. :-(
Sue So sorry to hear that you hurt so much. Physically & mentally. iF IT'S ANY CONSOLATION. I'm pretty sore from PT. Hurt more than I have in a while. I'm doing more around the house and in my life so... two steps forward 3 steps back i guess. :)
Keep your chin up Sue. I'm just a couple of weeks ahead of you which doesn't mean much at this point in the game but I do understand your frustration. It seems like we should be doing everything by now but we aren't. Remember that one year mark we keep hearing about? Know your limitations. We'll both get there! Keep a smile on your face. Karen
So sorry about your pain and disappointment. I've been away from the forum for a while as I was very sick and then had a major fund raiser to take part in this past week and wasn't at my physical therapy for a week. I went back today and I hurt bad tonight, even my good knee is bad tonight. I know you are further along than me but at some point I think we will all look back at this time and think that really didn't take that long. Well you can't blame me for trying.
By next year this time you will have the nicest garden around I bet. Hang in there we all care very much.
Sue, this must be the Week of the Over Achievers! I started my outpatient physical therapy today and had my first session this morning. It was really good and the therapist was thrilled with the progress I had made with home therapy for the past 6 weeks. I could do every exercise he asked me to. Soooo for about 45 minutes he had me trying different things to see where I was....very physical stuff all at once. At home I do my exercises throughout the day. What a difference it made to do 45 minutes straight of it!!! I was fine until this evening and now I have more discomfort than I have had in weeks. Like you icing, elevation, rest.....not much help. I know we'll get better with some rest and time, but IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! Try to take it easy for a few days and I'm sure you'll feel better. The good thing is now you know all those exercises for Pain Free Gardening and you can do them later on YOUR time schedule....not all at once like your class and my PT session was! Hang in there and here is a BIG ((((SUGAR HUG))))) for you!!
Well Sue, everything I could have said has been, so I will just send some cyber (((((((((HUGS)))))))))) and wish you better.....Sue
Sue, I can so relate. I had great plans to get outside this weekend as the weather was gorgeous. I cleaned house Friday and Sat morning, and I was so exhausted, I couldn't do anything the rest of the weekend. We did get a stat. bike and I started riding that today. Went well, but I had to take a pain med mid evening as a result. I'm at 17 weeks, so it is better than it used to be, but still a long way from where I will be in December (my year). I will say that due to the bike riding my ROM improved enough just in one "ride" that going down stairs was greatly improved, so there are good things to balance the disappointments. I know you'll have a better week. Consider it a gift from God to encourage you to rest up. Love, Skeet
It IS always disappointing and frustrating when we do too much and have to back off. But if we didn't, how would we know WHAT we CAN do? It is kinda like Doug's weight lifting, until you reach that maximum point you don't really know how much you can do. Plus, the more we try, the more we achieve. Just tryin to spread a lil sunshine.
Great spin on it, Gat! And you're right....we all need to push it sometimes or we'd never make that big step forward.

Skeet...I'm so glad to hear you think the bike is helping. As I've said so many times, I completely credit my bike with my fast return to ROM normal.
Thanks for the kind words, you guys! It was just what I needed. It is so great to have a place to go where I know I will be understood and nobody will get on my case for feeling sorry for myself once in a while. Thanks for kissing my booboo! Sue
Good point Gat. When you first start lifting weights, it isn't unusual to add 5-10lbs of strength weekly. Then you hit a max and are lucky to add 2 lbs every two or three weeks.
Quit pushing it and it starts dropping.
The same things happens with flexibility.
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