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Bilateral THR 9 years post BTHR

I should have included in my update - at the reunion I was a presenter on an alum panel about health issues in aging :) There were about 50 folks in the audience (not all from my class). I started off asking where the audience was re: joint replacements - a few were post op - more were waiting for surgery - and quite a few thought they might soon need such surgery! Then I went on with "4 years ago I could not have attended a reunion gathering like this because walking hurt, sitting hurt, even lying down hurt". Then I pulled up a chair and said "I couldn't do this" (left foot on right knee) "or this" (right foot on left knee" "or this" (bent over and touched the floor). Also demonstrated some moves with the now wonderful right shoulder. I talked about the process of getting to hip and shoulder replacements - the recuperation from those surgeries - and wrote BoneSmart. org in big letters on the black board :) It was a fun thing to do - and quite a few folks came up afterwards to say thanks and to ask other questions.
Anniversary day :dancy: 5 years ago I was in surgery having both hips replaced! And today I am happily trotting around doing house hold chores, chatting with my neighbor, and playing with my kitty - bending, stooping, lifting, getting down to and up off of the floor .... with absolutely NO pain in hips or right shoulder :yay:. Thanks to BoneSmart, my surgeon(s), my cousin, and all my relatives, friends and neighbors I made these journeys with, I guess, relative ease with few genuine problems. I am a very happy camper :egypdance:
That was very inspirational! Thanks for sharing. Hope I can say the same 5 yrs hence.
I'm just a year and a half behind you @djklaugh and would be echoing your story if it weren't for .... the left hip coming up in a couple of months!

Your post will be an inspiration and encouragement/affirmation to many new hippies!!

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Well Deb, I see I missed your celebration but am so happy you are still doing so well. I always was a bit envious haha. As you can see, I'm back with a new thread so keep your eye on me and send me some of that great healing energy on the 30th!
@VThereandnow Hey Cathy it's good to see you though I'm sorry you are having to have another new hip.. I sincerely hope this one is easy peasy for you! And I also have surgery coming up on 4/25 to replace the Left shoulder now .... sigh growing old is definitely not for sissies!
@VThereandnow Hey Cathy it's good to see you though I'm sorry you are having to have another new hip.. I sincerely hope this one is easy peasy for you! And I also have surgery coming up on 4/25 to replace the Left shoulder now .... sigh growing old is definitely not for sissies!

After my last hip, this one has GOT to go good! Same surgeon who did my revision and I do feel pretty confident history won't repeat itself for me. Recovery will be a smidge tougher than a normal person as I use a cane for the weakness on the one they messed up and my 11 year old rotator cuff surgery has come apart and I will be looking at a right reverse shoulder replacement in the future. A shot has done me well for a few months now so I hope my shoulder holds up in recovery when I need it.

Dang, you are right this getting old stuff is something else and totally not for the weak of heart haha. Sorry you are facing more surgery but woman, you have done SOO well through all of them. You are Wonder Woman !!!!!!!!

Nice to come back to a familiar voice. I'm sure we'll be chatting and if you don't want to post on yours you can always post on mine or pm me. Later gator :)

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I was just coming out of the recovery area about this time having had bilateral hip replacements. And today I'm still loving these marvelous new(er than the rest of me except the shoulder joints that were replaced in 2013 and 2017) hips! I continue to be grateful to my surgeon for suggesting this plan of action and being such an excellent surgeon; for my HMO, hospital, and all the staff that cared for me before, during and after my BTHR; to my family, friends, neighbors for all of their assistance and support; and to BoneSmart for before, during and after support, excellent information, friendships and laughter.
What a lovely update. Thanks so much for stopping by to share.
Seven years from BTHR and doing well. Inspiring for all but especially
all the bi-laterals who will read your wonderful post.
Wishing you a happy holiday season and many more years with those hips!
Hi @djklaugh
Happy seven year Hipversary!:wowspring:
You popped by my thread with comfort and advice...talked me off of a few cliffs along with Irish Joe.:friends:
It truly does make a difference to have someone who has been there, done that cheering you on.

Glad you are well, and thank you for your early reassurances that let me know all would be okay!

Hope you have a great holiday.:candle:
@djklaugh Wow - time flies! Thanks for stopping by and for your update. Sounds like those hips are serving you well. Long may it continue!
I just finished reading my original post op thread .... I'm amazed that I went through all of that and seemed, in print here, to make it all sound fairly easy .... ah the memory fades :) 9 years - as of today - later the hips still are totally wonderful! Shoulders are also wonderful - Right one will be 7 years old in March and the Left will be 3 years old in March.

This dratted COVID-19 virus has been a real nuisance and I've (alas) gained too much weight because of staying home and not doing many of my usual more energetic activities. But other than that all is well here in Oregon (with me any way).

Wishing all of my BoneSmart friends a very healthy and happy holiday season and sending blessings and good vibes for a much better 2021
Hi @djklaugh . Happy ninth anniversary to your new hips.
It's great to hear that they're still treating you well.

I've merged your update threads from 3, 5, 7, and 9 years after surgery, as they make an encouraging diary of your progress, and you'll be able to read them all, without having to search for each one.

Looking forward to hearing your 11-year update, but any other news will be welcome too.
Deb, it’s wonderful to hear from you and know your hips are doing well. Updates like this from our BoneSmarties are SO very important for our newer members and guests to read. It lets them know there is life after joint replacement and most of the time it’s very good.

I’d like to encourage you to touch base now and then to post to others with support. If you have the time to do that bit of “give back,” it can really help our staff and the new members who are where you were many years ago. Also, we’ll be hosting our annual New Year’s Eve party again this year and would be pleased to have you check in then with an update. Our members know about the party and frequently come there to read all the good words people post about there lives with new joints.
@Celle Thanks for merging the anniversary threads :) I should have thought to look for those.

@Jamie I do check in here regularly and try to respond to any folks having or thinking of having bilateral hips done -- and also look for shoulder folks. And post any new funnies I find :) Yes I agree giving back is important and I do hope others will find my journey through these procedures helpful and informative. I know I could not have gone through all this as successfully as I have done without the support and information from all you dear folks here!!!

As for updates .... I am being incredibly dull these days -- no trips plans, no major events, and thankfully no major health problems :) Hands - especially left thumb - are a bit arthritic but not bad enough to warrant further surgery at this point.

And yes I will be here for the New Years Eve shindig :)

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