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9 Weeks Post TRHR and Still Have Question!

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Oct 14, 2009
United States
:pzld: I had my HR surgery on 08/10/09 due to your basic osteoarthritis. Had not gotten really painful, but enough to disrupt my life, especially sleeping/driving. Although I had slowed down for the last few years, I was still getting around pretty good. During surgery, my femur "splinter fractured" and I was limited to 50% weight bearing for 6 weeks. It has now been 9 weeks. I have been full bearing for 3 weeks now. I can still only walk like some kind of monster:hissy: without the cane, although I can walk, and I cannot stand on op leg by itself. I often forget to grab the darn thing when walking around the house. Will not using it at home cause me to always limp?Will I walk right soon?:whis: Also, I still have a whole lot of discomfort (not intense pain)all around the inner thigh, and also at the side of hip where the bone "juts" out. Is this okay? No physical therapy, and doc says x-rays looked really good at 6 weeks. Told me to start on a stationary or recumbent bike, which I just started. (Only can handle 5 minutes each visit to the gym though) Also I seem to get super sleepy every afternoon and sleep for 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours, and STILL need 8 hours sleep each night!After hearing every one else, does it seem that my recovery is just oh so slow? I just want to be normal again, and at this stage of the game almost wish I had never done this. :cry:
Welcome, McCool! What? No pain meds? No PT (although I didn't have any..exercised my butt off all by myself!) I think your OS should have spent a little more time with you answering your questions frankly! Since you had a shattered femur and couldn't bear weight, that alone set you back a couple of weeks! I think, imho that since you're still early in your should be more patientm but do SOMETHING physical every day! Slowly but surely to build your muscles back up! Your body is telling you you still need to rest since you are still napping so regularly! Don't push your recovery...but keep your cane handy! It took me 6 months to totally lose the limp! Don't be so hard on yourself! :pzld::evil::wink:
Hi welcome well with the fracture it would take awhile to recover so with having that it well take longer........I agree i would get some pain meds and do PT or exercise on your own, what you can.......even get the dr to give you some exercises...........hang in there it will get better my take longer but you sorry all that happen to you..........please keep us posted..............) hugs
Hi, McCoolCat....welcome to BoneSmart! These guys are right that your recovery will be a little slower right now since you had those weeks of non-weight bearing. But now that you are past that hurdle, it could speed up a little. The important thing will be to begin getting some exercise on a regular basis as permitted by your doctor. Is he planning any therapy for you eventually? A good therapist can help with your gait if that is a problem. So, if the doc doesn't prescribe it, ask for him to order some! Sometimes you have to be a bit proactive.

But it sounds like you are doing fine. Oh, one other sure to stay on top of any pain you have with pain medication. Having even slight pain on a regular basis can slow your recovery down....and we don't want that!!
Welcome mccoolcat.
Well my femur fractured during surgery as well , but my doc had me weight bearing as tolerated.
9 weeks is still very very early. I remember thinking it was taking forever to recover.
Souonds all normal to me. I did my pt exercises every day. did you havae a home pt? I had one come to my house for the first month. Then I asked my doc to send me to pt as I was not sure what was allowed and wanted to exercise.
I would ask for pt to help with getting those muscles stronger.
Not a couple of weeks - make that more like 8-10 weeks! It's a fracture and fractures can take that long to heal. So you're on target, my dear, don't fret. But the others are right about the pain meds. You are still taking them, aren't you?
Thanks For Your Responses!

:thmb:Thanks for all of your responses. I was given Hydrocodone 10/325, and had one refill after surgery. I was down to about 1/2 pill at bedtime, and had about 10 left. So, thanks to the advice, I am taking a whole one right before the gym.And it worked!!!:evil: I was actually able to do 15 minutes on the recumbent bike. I am faithfully going 3 times weekly, and now do 20 minutes (8 miles) and will gradually increase. My surgeon had no problem giving me the refill so I could continue at the gym. That is now the only time I take an actual prescription pain pill, and take ibuprofin at bedtime. Tomorrow I will start a water aroebics class 2 times a week at the gym. Cheaper than physical therapy at $25 month!!! :yn:I still need a nap, but now once or twice in the week I have been able to skip it. Day by day, pain is less, though that side is so stiff and fake feeling. Hope that passes! Just know that I really appreciate the advice. I NEVER would have asked for a refill (kind of made me feel like some kind of addict) but it TRULY helped so I could exercise!!!! I will keep you posted on my progress!!! Rosanne
Roseanne....GOOD FOR YOU!!!! And thanks for posting about your experience. Your story will help others who have that feeling that there is something wrong with using prescription pain meds when they are in real serious pain. These meds are a blessing to those of us recovering from major surgery and it's good to expain to people WHY they should be used. It sounds like you are doing really well....keep up the great work!
don't feel like an addict . you are so early in recovery. I used percocet for about 4 months for my hip. The stiffness will just disappear one day. I never had a fake feeling from day one. Still can't bellive there is anything different in there.
Glad you are able to get some exercise in, it is the key to recovery for sure.
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