9 days out and I can see my ankle!!!

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Jan 4, 2009
United States
Hi guys!
I woke up this AM and low and behold, there was my ankle -- looking pretty much the way it usually does. As in not swollen!! Can't say the same for my knee, of course, but my PT said yesterday he thought the swelling looked like it had gone down a bit. of course that was BEFORE he went to work bending the hell out of it. He's also using his hand to put resistance on my leg when I raise it and has me using a relatively low-strength rubber band to push-pull my foot (to work my calf muscles and stretch them) and push against resistance when I pull my knee back and push it forward. Not for heavy ROM work -- just strength building. PT says my surgeon does not want a lot of resistance/weight used until the staples come out. But plain leg lifts and extensions etc are light work for me because of my pre-op weight work. I ice after each session and after each of my own exercise, pulling knee sessions. Definitely helps.
I don't know whether I'm looking forward most to getting these pesky staples out ---- or taking a shower!! which will be 24 hours after the staples come out. Doc is VERY conservative in that area -- worrying I guess about latent infection until the staple holes heal up. he puts surgi-strips on the incision and says leaave them until they fall off. How the hell do you pull this stupid anti-clotting stocking up over surgi-strips without ripping them off????
ah the little problems now that the big problem seems to be well on its way to being resolved.
There is a special instrument and a proper technique to removing the staples, backbay. IF the nurse or whoever, does it properly, it should not hurt at all!
Calling -- does it hurt? Getting the staples out?

For me it felt like little bee stings. Second TKR was worse as the staple spots had reddened and gotten sore so it hurt more to have them out.

But it is over in minutes and then you are FREE of the darn annoying things!
I think it is important to have a nurse remove them because, as Josephine said, they use a special tool and (at least in my case) it came in a sterile bag just to be sure there was no infection. I would NOT recommend removing any staples yourself for anyone that thinks it's something they could do (Calling...I know you were kidding about it). I had a couple of staples that were kind of down under the skin and like Gretchendz said....like little tiny bee stings. Not really bad at all.

Backbay.....I know exactly what you mean about the shower. Even though it's been almost a year, I STILL recall how fabulous a real shower with hot water felt!!! You will be a whole new person!!
as I sit here with ice on my knee after a bit more walking and grocery shopping than I was ready for --- i'm reading the collective wisdom from all of you on my iPhone (on the couch) and appreciating again how great this forum is !!!!! So one less thing to worry about! I told my PT about this site and he has already been on -- looking for recovery issues and how they are solved. Thanks, guys!
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