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9 Days and Counting!

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Dec 12, 2008
United States -New Jersey
Hi All!

I am at 9 days until my RTHR (Yes, Jo -we are at 9!).

I met with my OS this past Thursday and am all cleared for surgery. I can't believe how soon it is.

I'm getting very anxious about the surgery and also about being in the house for 6 weeks. I live on the 2nd floor of a 2 family house. Therefore, I have 16 stairs to go up before getting in my house. I'm concerned about not being able to go out for some fresh air and just being stuck in the house.

There is only so much TV and reading besides the PT that I can do. I guess I just need to suck it up and get through it and concentrate on recovering.

Melissa,,,,,,,,it'll be all over before you know it! Spring is just around the corner,,,think of all the outdoor activities you'll be able to participate in! Lucky You,,,,:)
Hi neighbor!
I am at the 2-day mark now (Wednesday morning is my surgery)......looks like we will be recovering from the same surgery at the same time, 15 minutes away. I had the same concern today about stairs. I was trying to imagine how to manipulate a walker on a staircase, but I guess they will teach us how.
Are you having your PT at home? They gave me a choice, so I chose home PT.
NO way will you be using a walker to get up the stairs!
You'll learn how with a cane..... Up w your GOOD(unoperated leg) & DDWN with your BAD (operated leg!)
It's difficult enough those early days without a clumsy walker,,,,you won't be hopping Hop,,,,you'd be crashing!
Home PT is a good way to start out, HopAlong. Some people choose to change to outpatient, but I had 6 weeks of in-home PT and loved it. There are pros and cons to each. Your time really IS near and it will be so exciting to hear from your after you return home.

YoungM, I think you will be able to get out during that 6 weeks....even if just to walk up and down the street (hopefully there is a sidewalk on your side of the street!). The weather will be getting better....spring....time of new beginnings.....what a great time to start on your journey to a new life!!
Young M--I am 23 days out so you (and Jo) are just about 2 weeks ahead of me...and I am very envious. I, too, have concerns about those steps. I have 2 to get in the house, 14 to get up to the bedroom and 14 to go down to the basement and my home office. I'm a bilat, so I'm even more worried about thse stairs. But they've assured me that I won't be going home until I can walk stairs, so I figure you won't be going home either until you're ready.
Hey you guys stairs are so easy. Don't worry. I only used a walker for 2 days in the hospital. Then I had my husband bring in my crutches and the pt evaluated me on them and let me use them.
There is no way to use a walker on the stairs. The pt's recommend you have one for each level in the house. I don't knkow what they do with you if you go home with a walker, I'm guessing someone has to carry the walker up the stairs for you.
Just as long as your stairs have railings. Mine only has a railing on one side and it still worked. I went home in 5 days.
Can't wait to hear from all of you when you are back home.
Oh you HAD to remind me, YoungM! And to think I actually had an entire hour this morning after I woke when I had totally forgotten about it!

And now I have my next-door neighbour's funeral to go to!
I am 12 days post op and was also VERY concerned about the stairs. I have 4 stairs to the front door and 16 to my second floor bedroom. To my astonishment the stairs were easier than getting in and out of bed! My PT told me that I was not to consider myself a princess any longer, eating my meals upstairs, that I must go downstairs for every meal with my family. It is liberating and look forward to mealtime now. Sure its a little exhausting in the beginning, but you get used to it eventually! So don't worry:-)
Absolutely bring your crutches if that is what you are used to. I used the walker the day of surgery -just to humor them because my blood pressure was low. The next day however I insisted on my crutches they are just so much easier to maneuver.
PT will make sure you are safe doing things like getting in and out of the bath tub and stairs. You will have to prove you can handle the number of stairs you need to do at home to be released.
I too was worried - don't. Before surgery I had to crawl up the stairs usung my hands. After arriving home (bi-lats) I could go up and down Upright! It is slow going because of being careful with the crutches and tiring because of what you have just been through but definitely not something to worry about. Getting in and out of bed by yourself is much harder. ;)

All the best,
Oh you HAD to remind me, YoungM! And to think I actually had an entire hour this morning after I woke when I had totally forgotten about it!

And now I have my next-door neighbour's funeral to go to!

Poor sweet Jo!!! Do something fun today after the funeral....something JUST for YOU! You deserve it, hun.....waiting is the PITS!!! The something fun should probably involve chocolate.
Absolutely bring your crutches if that is what you are used to. I used the walker the day of surgery -just to humor them because my blood pressure was low. The next day however I insisted on my crutches they are just so much easier to maneuver.
PT will make sure you are safe doing things like getting in and out of the bath tub and stairs. You will have to prove you can handle the number of stairs you need to do at home to be released.
I too was worried - don't. Before surgery I had to crawl up the stairs usung my hands. After arriving home (bi-lats) I could go up and down Upright! It is slow going because of being careful with the crutches and tiring because of what you have just been through but definitely not something to worry about. Getting in and out of bed by yourself is much harder. ;)

All the best,

Great post, Donna. There is nothing better to ease someone's fears than the sweet voice of experience from someone who has been there and done that!
Young M, and Josephine,

I am wishing both of you the best of luck in 9 days! I started my count down in a more earnest manor when I realized I was a week out. Hopalong, your beating me in the countdown by one day, I’m Thursday, and of course good luck to you on Wednesday! Tbone you’ve got a little time to get prepared, but the time will probably seem to go fast if it was like what I experienced, and of course good luck to you in getting ready and in 23 days! It looks like I’m in a good graduating class, and I look forward to seeing all of you at our 1st reunion on the recovery side! (And I sure hope I didn’t miss anybody.)

I don’t know if it’s lucky or not, but I have only one step up into a single story house, so I’ll be able to avoid stairs for awhile. I guess stairs may be hard at first, I’m hoping they’ll ultimately speed up your overall recoveries!
Good Luck! Jack
Johnnie/Jack!! YOU will do just fine! Just keep thinking,,,,you will be PAIN FREE!!!! :). Your new mantra!
hi, I agree with Donna, After the first few days, going up/down stairs is easier after surgery than before. I remember thinking I would be stuck upstairs for weeks. Actually, I was using a cane up and down as soon as I came home from rehab. Just take your time so you don't lose your balance. That was my only concern. The recovery (for me) was easier than expected. Hopefully for you too.
Why would you think you would be trapped inside for 6 whole weeks?

Unless you have some serious complications, God forbid, you should be able to navigate your stairs when you arrive home, and be able to get outside almost right away. By the end of week 2 I was walking 200+ yards to my corner and back again using crutches, then a cane at week 3.

Get out of the house and enjoy the fresh air, it will help lift your spirits!
Jamie - I did do something for me after the funeral - I went to see the chiropractor! He was shocked that I was walking all twisted over and found that all the muscles on my right side were in spasm. I love getting treatment from him in these situations - I feel like I've had tucks let out in my body skin!
Mudpro's right--barring complications, you should be able to enjoy budding spring! No need to stay cooped up!

(Upfront admission: I had anterior, so had no restrictions & was walking unaided by 10 days--most traditional THRs take a bit longer.)

Walker/crutches is one of those personal choice things--I used a walker since I am a total, absolute crutch klutz (discovered when I broke a toe several years back). As others have pointed out, though, walkers & stairs don't play well together. I only had 3 exterior steps to navigate & was able to do it just hanging on to the rail.
Jamie - I did do something for me after the funeral - I went to see the chiropractor! He was shocked that I was walking all twisted over and found that all the muscles on my right side were in spasm. I love getting treatment from him in these situations - I feel like I've had tucks let out in my body skin!

Good for you, JO!!! That's the spirit!!! Glad you're feeling better too.....take good care of YOU!!! You are much to precious to everyone here and we want you feeling your best at all times. (((((HUGS))))))
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