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8mths on after revision

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junior member
Sep 1, 2008
Happy New Year to all i havent been around for a while my son has been over for a month he is married to a lovely american lady and lives in east tennessee so i have been busy but not overdoing it.Can i have some feedback please on how the rest of you are doing around the 8mth mark i am experiencing a little discomfort on the right hand side of my knee cap and twinging on standing have i pulled something as the pain went into my groin.I have done as Jo always suggests ice and elevate and it is much improved Please tell me how you are doing at 8-9mths pain wise etc i suppose i am worried this one might go wrong ... should the tkr still feel numb.
Kind Regards
Yes, it will feel numb for many months and nothing to do with having had a TKR, all to do with having had a large incision! As for the discomfort and twinges, they too are a normal part of healing and recovery. You say right hand side but that depends which knee you had done! Inner or outer side of kneecap? You've probably just got some tendonitis which should settle down eventually. Lots of people get it anyway. I doubt it's of any significance so far as the knee is concerned.

Glad you had a happy time with your son and daughter in law. Was it the first time you met her?
I'm 12 months post op. When I started getting the twinges, I discovered that I was getting the feeling back in the kneecap area.
I do have a couple of places where I still get discomfort and a tight feeling. It is probably related to my repeatedly injuring the tendons etc. through sports. The new knee itself is stable and working very well.
No we have met her before my son adores america and the americans so they will stay there. Josephine would the discomfort i am feeling in the groin all be connected and should i still feel warmth in my knee there is no redness just warmth.
Thanks Doug does your knee still get warm i know i am just scared that something might be going wrong again over reacting maybe
hi Ped
The fear of something going wrong is something we all seem to come across and I know I have always felt better once Ive shared my fears. I go to PT worried my knee isnt "right" - and once he says Oh its really good and exactly how it should be I feel back to confident! When I joined this forum I said I felt somewhat isolated - you are left to your own self to work at your exercises and you still have pain or discomfort and you start worrying. So dont worry Ped! YOure doing great and keep posting! i love the way you can learn something new each day from someones posts and I just learned from this post that numbness is because of the incision!

Good luck - and keep the faith
All of the "winter knees" had repeated discussions over our "hot knees". That's just part of the healing process, and no, it hasn't been hot for quite some time.
As for the numbness, I don't think we all heal the same way, or it may depend on where we were cut. I had 9 knee surgeries prior to the Tkr. I had several places that were slightly numb for years...I just got used to it. Only time will tell..
Thankyou to you all i feel more settled now, this site is amazing i am so thankful for the support i have had when worried where would we all be without it
Lots of love to you all
Hi Pam, remind me where you are from in UK? Before we emigrated to Canada I lived in Kent. I still have some stiffness, numbness, swelling amd it gets warm after being on it a long time, but my OS says I will probably take me 2 years to get back to near normal. (I am 1 year tomorrow) No pain though!!

Quit worrying and post more Sue
One year already, Sue? Gosh, how time flies!
Thanks sue i am from cheshire i feel the worry for me is that i had to have the revision done before the 2yrs so hopefully you can see where i am coming from.I have rested and iced and feel better going to stop worrying and keep living as i have been doing.Congrats on your 1 year mark
Regards Pam
Happy kneeversary Sue!

Pam, my second knee is 7 months old and still hurts when I go up and down steps. I have no stiffness but never really had any with this knee; no heat either. I still have trouble getting up when seated. Everyone else is correct. It takes well over a year for all the weird pains to go away. Hang in there!
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