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8 weeks post op from thr left

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Nov 12, 2009
great britain
i am post op 8 weeks from thr left leg, i think i have had a good recovery, but maybe a bit impatiant about recovery, think i am doing well, but last couple of weeks cut down on meds, doing a lot more walking but with still with aid of crutch, but with doing a bit more exersise servere musle ache which is only to be expected, went to see my own GP to see if i would benefit by phisiho, but he suggested that i start to walk with out my crutch to strenthen my musles, which i am doing but am struggleing, but my main concern is that i am unable to sleep at night because i find it uncomfortable to lie on my right side (as i will have to have that one done as well) and find that it is extremley uncomfortable to lie on left side, it still feels a bit numb but the pain keeps me awake at night, only taking paracetomeol at the moment, doctor was going to give me anti flamatry tablets but they interfere with my blood pressure tablets, has any one got any suggestions.
I Cg Im a knee but anted to wish you a speedy recovery please keep us posted.............) and welcome............pos anytime..........feel better
I don't have any advice to offer you but am finding myself in a similar boat. I am 3 weeks post op and just rec'd Tramadol to replace my night meds. I am having the same reaction to the Tramadol as the Vicodin I had previously which is NO SLEEP!
Now I am going to have to call the OS office again tomorrow and be made to feel like some drug addict needing a fix.
I am going to look into seeing a pain specialist tomorrow...I think they are called Physiatrists.
I hope you can find some relief. Pain & sleep deprivation are NOT a good thing.
Bless you,

PS. To those who have not had surgery yet make sure you have a pain management plan laid out with your surgeon AND his physician's assistants. Otherwise you may end up with some young PA telling you where you SHOULD be pain wise at 3 weeks.
Thanks for your message, i was not given any pain relief when i left hospital, just carried on with the meds i was taking before, morphine and anitriptalyne, my GP wanted me to stop these as you said 3 weeks post and i think that you should be off pain relief, i do agree with you that i some times feel like a drug addit, let me know how you go on Sheri, and thanks.
Chris .G.
Hi, cgarrig....welcome to BoneSmart.

You need to discuss your pain management again with either your surgeon or your primary doctor. If you are hurting, you NEED pain control. Lack of proper rest and pain during the day will hinder your recovery.

You are NOT a drug addict!! You are recovering from major surgery and you need proper pain management. Be firm....assertive. And if these doctors don't "get it," find another doctor who does understand joint replacement recovery.
Hi and welcome
i took pain pills for 4 months after my hip replacement. I slept well after a few days too. It is all about pain management. Get some good relief soon
Our surgeons don't deal with the post-op prescriptions, Jamie. That's all down to the GPs.

Cgarrig - you need to go back to your GP and tell him no matter what he thinks you should be on, the fact is that you are in pain and need something. Co-codamol would be good. Nearly everyone has pain beyond 3 weeks. Be firm, polite but stand your ground. Cry if you have to! But don't come away with nothing and don't just accept paracetamol - tell him you're already taking those and they're not enough!

BTW, at which hospital did you have your hip done?
Thanks, Jo....I keep forgetting some of the differences in our health care systems!!!
I am 7 weeks post-op and I still take Ibuprophen for pain and the pm version of it at night to help me get a little sleep. That is still a major problem trying to sleep at night. I use a cane , because when I stopped the cane, the pain became worse, and swollen bottom part of incision. I for one would tell you that you still need pain medication.
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