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May 19, 2008
I started reading this forum just after I had my right knee replaced 8 weeks ago and its been a great help. My knee is relatively pain free (my pain was a 10 on a scale of 10 prior to surgery), but I am still experiencing stiffness and some swelling. I do find that the inside and outside of my knee can be very sore -- I have been massaging and using vitamin e cream on my scar -- unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion I will not be sporting short skirts in the future.

I, too, was under the impression that the recovery would be faster than it has been. I find that being on my feet for any length of time is difficult -- however that is not helped by the condition of my left knee. I am having it replaced on June 25th.

Question to anyone who has had 2 knee replacements - did you find the second easier??

Hi DS, welcome. I had 2 but did them at the same time. I am a couple days shy of 12 weeks. March 18th was my day. Anyway, standing stamina was my big concern in addition to walking. I wanted to be able to just stand an cook a meal or bake a cake without having to sit every 5 minutes, I am pleased to tell you that for me it got better. 8 Weeks does seem to be a turning point for many of us though we all go at our own rates. My PT said that standing is actually harder on the knees than walking because it is all your weight at a constant as opposed to shifts in weight distribution that come with walking and moving. He suggested putting up one foot, like if standing at the sink, open the cupboard door below and pop up your foot. That type of thing. I never tried because I soon noticed improvement without it. As for shorts & skirts, You need to do what feels comfortable for you, but I say GO FOR IT! You suffered alot of pain and are doing alot of work with the surgeries to get better. For me after that kind of pain I had for so long a cuople scars on my legs are a non-issue. And from what I've seen and heard from folks months and even years past TKR, the scars get very thin and light, minimal, it is just now that they are these long pink stripes. My OS also said to be sure and use 45 spf sunscreen so they stay minimal later on. if they tan, they don't fade like the ret of you would. Best anyhow! Jen
Welcome, Dsimpso. Nice to have you on board.
I had my Right TKR in October, and the Left 4.5 weeks ago. In my case, the second one is going much smoother as far as movement. My PT, which was the same one from the first knee, told me when she walked in for the first time, that I looked as good as I did when she released me to out patient therapy. The machine they had me on in the hospital did not hurt at all this time. I can't figure that one out!! And my ROM is way better this time around. The only thing that is not as good as the first one is the actual incision. The area around it is very sensitive and very dry. I keep using vitamin E on it. I also still have a scab on it that just won't let go. But if this is the worst - thats ok.
I think you will find that the second goes better because you know what to expect. And if the weather is nice where you are at, go sit outside and soak up that Vitamin D from the sun!!! It always helps me!
Good luck to you. You will have to check in with us when you are back home.
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