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8 days after BTKR with lots of new pain

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Mar 28, 2008
United States - Maryland
United States United States
Yesterday I celebrated my first week, but it was an enjoyable celebration. I had my first in-home PT session but just can't seem to do anything with the left leg. The pain just seems to be increasing at a quick rate, and I can't get it under control with meds. The pain is right above the incision site in the quads. It feels like there's some very hard swelling going on in there. I can't even seem to do simple leg extensions because I don't have the quad strength to lift the left leg. Right leg seems much better. The left one was much worse. Is it normal for the pain to be increasing? If I keep increasing my meds, I will run out before my 2-week post-op. It throbs all night, which is new. I have not been running a fever so don't believe there's an infection.
I've been icing after therapy, and used heat on the muscle area. It just feels like the muscles are compressing. Has anyone had to take muscle relaxers in addition to pain meds? I have plenty from a previous back injury but don't want to do something shouldn't be doing. I am currently taking 2mg Dulaudid along with a couple of Tylenol. Before exercising, however, I'm taking 4 mg Dulaudid, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

So, for the short term, am going to call the nurse in charge of my home health care,which I get this week and next.

Sorry for being so bumbed out. I am having one of those poor, poor pitiful me moments. Can't seem to turn off the tears.

Hey Sharon, Don't cry, aw go ahead. You're allowed, you had major suregery x2. Have you called you doc or asked your PT? Oh, I just reread your post and saw you are calling the nurse. Good. I think a point comes after your surgery and when you get home when your body realizes what just happen to it and is saying what the... It makes me sad to think of you hurting so much. It won't be like this forever. Promise...
Sharon -
I haven't been through what you are dealing with - but from other experiences - remember it is always ok to cry and express your emotions. You have done so well so far. You are an inspiration to all of us who are still waiting, especially with doing 2 at once. ALL you BTKRs are superheros! Ask for help from the DR/Nurse thats why they make the big bucks! Have a good cry then remember why you did this and think about the future once the pain is gone - (I hope I can take my own advice!) Focus on something as a short term goal and then choose a long term one. When you get to your short term one CELEBRATE! (Pick a real easy one!Success is key) Then pick another and so one - but always CELEBRATE your small victories! I already have my long term one picked out and I figure all the short term ones will lead up to making that long term one (kinda like task analysis).

No matter what you are feeling today - remember - YOU ARE AWESOME and are on the other side!

Feel Better - Marianne

The Washington Monument or the Lincoln Memorial in front of all those steps????? Karen
When you say the muscles are compressing I'm not quite sure what you mean. Is it that they feel hard and in spasm? Or are they actually swelling?

If the former, then use alternating heat and ice.
If the latter, I'd start using a tape measure and see by how much. The ring your doctor and discuss it with him.

The Washington Monument or the Lincoln Memorial in front of all those steps????? Karen

For the others, Karen was nice enough to call me when I had my meltdown post. As you may know, we both work near each other so plan to take a post-recovery photo with perhaps a nice national landmark. I was personally planning on running up the steps at the Lincoln Memorial and playing the Rocky song. da da da...da da da..... Karen, thanks for the call and all the support. I am feeling MUCH better physicall and mentally today.

Josephine, I think I was having some type of spasm, and I did exactly as you suggested by alternating heat and ice. It felt like a hard knot but has reduced a bit today. It may have been the result of PT which I get again this morning (oh joy).

For all others, thanks so much for the encouragement. I am trying to celebrate each little victory at a time, but for those of you who are waiting, there will be some emotional days that you just can't explain. Just give it a good cry and type up a post. I think I would be lost if I had not found this forum. Not just for the medical advice, but for the wonderful support group. Thanks to all.

Yes and I see you walking quickly (no running remember) up those stairs.Good to hear you are better today.
Pleased to hear it, hun. These things are sent to try us, aren't they?
Okay Sharon, I aint' runnin up them stairs! I still got a couple other mesed up joints! We'll just pretend! :D)
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