7 week update

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new member
Sep 18, 2009
United States
Today I thought I would celebrate loosing my cane for the first time by sharing my 7 week post op update. I have a cementless metal on metal joint. Last week at my 6 week checkup the xrays looked good & the Dr took my restrictions off. I am now a believer of going to out patient pt. The strenght I have recovered in the last few weeks is amazing. A word of advise, stick with the pt religously. I am scheduled to be back at work in a couple of weeks, I think I'll be ready.

I read a lot of different stories on this site, some with good endings some with not so good. I truly believe the sucess of this operation is all about the surgeon & hospital (and of course the Good Lord). Do your homework when choosing both.
I read a lot of different stories on this site, some with good endings some with not so good. I truly believe the sucess of this operation is all about the surgeon & hospital (and of course the Good Lord). Do your homework when choosing both.

AMEN to that!

Wonderful report, classic, and thank you.
Great news, Classic!!! Congratulations!!!!
Hi Im so glad you are doing well...Im a knee and have had a knee replc the i had to have fixier upper you so right on most impoartnat i believe is the dr wow can stress that enough..........I didntt do easrch one my first one.......i hope you contiue to improve and i wish you the best......) Im really happy for you.......
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