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7 months RTKR, 2 months LTKR

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Jul 5, 2009
United States No. Calif.
Hi everyone, just an update, I am now 7 months out RTKR and two months out LTKR. Overall doing very well, the recovery of my left knee has been much easier, even though it was in worse shape before. Knowing what to expect probably has helped much. I am still going to my wonderful PT,only twice a week and only for about 45 minutes, he works on both knees now, he is very gentle as I have said before, mostly does massage of scar and knee area and now is doing some deep tissue massage of muscles. Then goes over my home exercises which I do twice a day, I also ride the stat. bike. My ROM and extension are good about l28 ROM and 0 extensions.

Everyday I read about all of your experiences with overagressive PT's. My OS told me that PT should not do anything that hurts. The theory of "No Pain, No Gain is only for healthy people trying to increase their muscles, but should not apply to after TKR surgery. Anything that hurts a lot is contra productive and does not help the healing process. My PT watched a live TKR surgery and he says after what he saw, we need lots of loving tender care. I agree.

I am very happy with my new knees, so sorry I didn't have it done sooner,was in terrible arthritic pain for almost 10 yrs., but never had a dr. tell me to have a TKR. I also want to thank everyone on this forum for your posts, it has been the best help in my recovery, so informative, encouraging and enjoyable. Thanks:thnk::thnk:
Lou, so glad the forum has been a help to you. And I'm thrilled to hear how well you're doing! So many times people who have great surgeries and recoveries just go on with their lives (as they should!), but we never get to hear the fabulous news. So pleased you took the time to post and provide a really good news update.

God bless you and please check in now and then so we can hear more!
Thank you very much for telling us your story. You really inspired me! I am so glad your recovery has gone so well and that you like your PT.
You spend so much time with them, you better get a good one, huh?

Congrats on your healthy new knees, and thanks again for sharing.

Hello, oldie! Good to hear from you and know you are doing well. God bless!
Hey Oldie long time no talk to so glad you are doing always posted on everyone's threads we miss that....... keep up the good work...........there will be no stopping you soon........good luck and im happy for ya........
Oldie, thanks for posting! Glad you are doing so well and have shared with us! Gives us newbies to recovery hope and inspiration!
RTKR 10/5/09
Hi, I want to thank everyone for your kind responses. Even though I said I am doing good, I still have days that I overdue it, for instance goin to mall for 4 hrs, or riding my bike to too long, then I have to rest, ice & elevate. That helps and I take 400 mg. iboprofen at nite and before PT, but I am very fortunate never had any bad swelling which I am sure is what causes bad pain. Wishing all of you a quick recovery!

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