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7 months postop and miserable

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junior member
Jan 20, 2009
United States
I had a right TKR on December 31st of 2008. Lots of swelling and bruising for months. I wore compression hose to keep the swelling down and have cut hours at work to less than half-time. I have at least 110-120 degrees flexion and close to full extension. My knee clicks when I walk and I am in pain all the time when I am up and walking with swelling at the end of every day. Does this sound normal? MD said the implant "looked good" when they last x-rayd it. I made an appointment to see him again later this week. Anyone have any suggestions or comments for me?

I would find a good revision specialist a get his opinion. At seven months this much pain is not normal. I returned to work a 7 weeks very little pain some stiffness. I am now 8 months post op and taking no meds, no pain and loving every minute of it. I am sorry you are having this much trouble but a second opinion is needed. This surgery is designed to eliminate the pain and restore the knee joint to as close to normal as possible.

:sct:Keep that appointment, Bridget! Have you been doing your PT and other exercise? Hope you feel better SOON!:doh:
Where is the pain you experience and what is it like? Is it just when you take a step onto your heel or is when you come off the step and are on your toes? Is it a short sharp pain? A bit more info would help.

Otherwise your ROM seems great. Such a shame you have problems.
I would keep the appt a well. Plead your case just like you did here. But I to think your ROM is good. Sorry you are having pain though....Please let us know what he says. I sure hope you feel better soon......
Hello Bridget,
So nice to meet you. I to would have to agree with the others and say keep the appt.
But get him to listen to you. Make a list of where you hurt when it is at its worse!!!!!
I would think that your OS should wonder too why you are in such pain!!
Hi so sorry you are having so much pain. You really need to make a list and address all questions to your doctor at the next appt.

I would suggest you also get another opinion because you should not be in that much pain. I am only 4 months out and have very little pain and a little stiffness.
I am at 9 months and have pain that I believe is just swelling. It feels like a swelling kind of pain. My x-rays also look good and the doctor says that I can have this swelling for more than a year. So, if your "pain" is just a swelling type of pain, it could be just that. I also feel it more at the end of the day.

Hi Bridget just wondering how you were doing today......Hope you are doing ok...Atleast the drs appt. is coming up. hang in there . I hope he can get this worked out for you....Best wishes please let us know....
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