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7 days post second LTKR surgery.

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junior member
Jul 5, 2008
United States United States
Hello kneeps!

Well I done and did it. Had my second TKR one week ago on Thursday, May 14. Arrived home on Sunday and was able to use the walker and my crutches to manage the stairs. OS said this one was actually the most rotten of the two.
Ht told me that he had to remove a bit more bone this time and used a slightly larger spacer, but same size implant.
Had a few minor issues, low potassium and possible blood clot, but potassium level is up and the ultrasound was negative for blood clots.
I have a substantial increased amount of swelling, bruising and pain this go around. Today is the first day that I can see light at the end of the tunnel.
Have not started PT, due to the swelling, but will schedule for next week after the staples are removed next Wednesday.
On a positive note, I got through the general anesthesia without any nausea or vomiting this time, thanks to our dear Calling all Angels. She told me about the anti nausea patch to take before surgery and God Bless her it worked. My anesthesiologist also did some medication tweaking and actually came to see me that evening around 9:30 PM. to see how I made out. He actually wrote down the dosage for me, so that I could save it for future surgeries. What a great guy. He looked so proud.
I am being good icing and using the cpm machine, but get tired out very quickly. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend.
Hugs, Kathy :zzz:
Hi Kathy so glad you are done and moving on. I am glad about the nausea, that can be a damper. Just take it easy, you have been thru alot. No rush get that swelling down. Dont try to over do it. You know the drill sleep when you can just means you need it. And you do. Take care and Im happy the surgery is over. Your in my prayers....Get well
So wonderful to see that you are posting!! Hon you are going to be tired for awhile that is a gift from surgery. Just rest as much as you can. Oh and keep icing!!! I am glad to hear that you do not start PT untill next week. I think the ice and rest will do just fine for now.
Take Care of Yourself Kathy!!! (I mean it!!)
Kathy....SO happy to hear you are back home and starting down that recovery road. Take good care of yourself and remember...pamper, pamper, pamper!!!
Thank you Calling, Jamie and Texas for your positive responses. How quick you forget how involved the healing process is in the type of surgery.
I am doing a little bit better in the pain department, but this one was sure a doozy. The swelling on my left foot is down by 50% but still showing all the colors of the rainbow. I am forcing myself to get up about every hour just to keep the joints moving. I am still healing from the right side also.
Had a few little tearful episodes but feel so much better today.
Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful holiday weekend.
Thank goodness for this forum and cable tv. I am addicted to the remote and my ice machine.
Hugs, Kathy
That is all good news, Kathy. You're doing good, girl!
Good afternoon Kathy,
Hope that all is going well. Glad to hear that the Ice machine is one of your favorite things!!! Hope that you are finding enough programs on cable to keep you quiet and happy!!! LOL I have the afternoon to myself today. Kaykay is on the poker run with Papa. And the rest are at the river, boating. So I just have a few thing to do like getting the chicken, potato salad, baked beans, veggie salad, hamburger's and cupcakes to make. See I am so lucky!!! LOL.
But you had better be resting!!!!!
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